Правда ли, что ((((наши лучшие друзья и союзники))) - это даже не отдельный народ, отдельная раса, а / anon


Правда ли, что ((((наши лучшие друзья и союзники))) - это даже не отдельный народ, отдельная раса, а отдельный от Homo Sapiens вид? Правда ли, что противостояние, начатое почти 200 000 лет назад, идет до сих пор?

Neanderthal Skull
aero dynamic
aero dynamic
Neanderthal -upright walking ape
-Range: Central Asia, Middle East, parts of Europe -lived 350 kya 25? kya (according to orthodoxy) -Neanderthal males averaged 5,5,,-5'6" (164-168 cm) and females 5’0" 5T* (152-156 cm) tall, -brow

File: daniel and the lions.jpg (19 KB, 300x198)
□ Anonymous (ID: CHEES» S 03/12/18(Mon)21:11:47 No. 163738662 [^Archived ►
»163738884 »163739460 »163740157 »163740208 »163740256 »163740700 »163741046 »163741118 »163741227 »163741416 »163741519 »163741548 »163741717 »163741934 »163742154

Human and Neanderthal love affair is traced back to Israel,
55,000 years ago
By Rachel Feltman January 28,2015
Scientists have discovered a 55,000-year-old modern human skull in a cave in western Galilee. (Israel Hershkovitz, Ofer Marder & Omry Barzilai),anon

Bones Found in Israel Rewrite Theory of Neanderthal Extinction
Neanderthals were thought to have been going extinct already when Homo sapiens arrived in the Levant, and to huddle in caves: Not so, discovery indicates.
Ruth Schuster | ©Send me email alerts Jun 08, 2017 2:25 AM
H Share	¥ Tweet	s

Roughly 6 percent of the world’s population consists of people with Neanderthal genes. Jews fall into this category. This is why Jews have always been a problem: because their Neanderthal genes make them twice as aggressive as the rest of the world’s Cro-Magnon derived races.
Edited and presented

NEANDERTHAL HYBRIDS Neanderthal Skull aero dynamic aero dynamic Neanderthal -upright walking ape -Range: Central Asia, Middle East, parts of Europe -lived 350 kya 25? kya (according to orthodoxy) -Neanderthal males averaged 5,5,,-5'6" (164-168 cm) and females 5’0" 5T* (152-156 cm) tall, -brow ridges _no neck head Mt rjght -no forehead on shoulders -receding chin -weak jaw -occipital bun -capable of rudimentary stone tools The Armenid race is indeed a result of inter-species reproduction between Humans and Neanderthals in ancient times. In 2010 Svante Paabo and his team in Germany successfully sequenced the Neanderthal Genome and concluded that Humans and neanderthals bred in ancient times. It was published that all ’Eurasians' carry 4% neanderthal DNA. This is of course Politically correct, if humans have neanderthal coursing through their viens then all humans must have them same amount, to be equal remember? Note: A pure individual is extremely rare today. These photos are of highly Armenid individuals, usually with human (white) admixture pure armenid Armenid Race rat or sharklike profile;aero dynamic profile; primitive receding forehead (sloping forehead) - huge nose with a very high nasal bridge (almost at the eyebrow's height) aquiline (eaglelike) nose or ’hook nose’ -receding chin and jaw weak jaw -like neanderthals, large parietal region (back of skull) extensive body hair Hair: Black, thick, bushy, and straight wavy, probably quite greasy. Tendency to receding hairlines in the top corners of the forehead. Skin: Brown or Olive, Sallow -Eyes: Brown, short distance between eyes, short neck THE REAL HUMANS Cro Magnon Reconstruction, American Museum of Natural History These three images are of the same find in France. This treasure of Paleoanthropology is the skull of Cr6 Magnon 1. It dates back to 30,000 years, yet his features and cranial capacity place him way ahead of any other hominid from an 'evolutionary' viewpoint. vertí Cro Magnon -sudden appearance in Europe 40,000 years ago -lived in Europe -Vertical profile -vertical and high forehead vertical strong and square jaw -dolichocephalism (long and narrow skull) well developed and pronounced chin a tall and slender stature (males stood up to 6'5" (195 cm) White Nordic Race -tall, slender, athletic build -long neck -Eyes: Ice-grey, very light, almost whitish. Skin: Ivory white, clean appearance. Pale when no suntan is involved. Suitable to get a moderate tan without getting burned when exposed to sunlight. Golden if suntanned. Narrow, straight, not very fleshy nose. The "root” lies very high, almost in the forehead -Thin and dark lips, with a clearly "sketched" outline. Hair: Platinum blonde, almost white, straight, thin and lank. When it grows, it tends to stick to the head. -Forehead: Straight, broad and almost vertical. -Face profile: Not totally vertical but almost (forehead and chin scarcely receding). Straight and progressive (orthoqnathous, straight facial angle). Contrary to what his hat might suggest, he is not Jewish, as there are various photographs of him wearing liturgical outfits from different religious confessions. Cromagnon is related to the White Nordic race and with ethnic groups like the blond Guanches of the Canary Islands (mtDNA U6bl), and is the oldest Homo sapiens of the European continent. Cro-Magnon appears in Europe about 40,000 years ago, during the period known by the Hindus as Krita Yuga or Satya Yuga, equivalent to the Greco Roman "Golden Age" concept. Its origin is at present clearer: today, no serious palaeoanthropologist asserts that Cro Magon comes from Africa. The African hypothesis has not a solid foundation because, among other things, during a glaciation, it makes no sense to migrate northwards, where the environmental conditions become harsher, but southwards. Note: A pure Nordic is extremely rare today. Some of the individuals in these photos are slightly mixed with Mongoloid and Armenid. Cenru 7^ SWED^fl
File: daniel and the lions.jpg (19 KB, 300x198) □ Anonymous (ID: CHEES» S 03/12/18(Mon)21:11:47 No. 163738662 [^Archived ► »163738884 »163739460 »163740157 »163740208 »163740256 »163740700 »163741046 »163741118 »163741227 »163741416 »163741519 »163741548 »163741717 »163741934 »163742154 »163742166 »163742271 »163742460 »163742516 »163742608 »163742714 »163742952 »163743120 »163743351 »163743493 »163743595 »163743928 »163743955 »163743971 »163744219 »163744327 »163744339 »163744892 »163745742 »163745776 »163746039 »163746132 »163746628 »163746715 »163746818 »163747612 »163747985 »163748048 »163748160 »163748518 »163748786 »163749184 »163750955 »163751034 »163751052 »163751190 »163751246 »163751718 »163752026 »163752191 »163752258 »163752759 »163752903 »163754855 »163754920 »163755035 »163755318 »163755324 »163755673 »163755868 »163756315 »163759382 »163763969 »163764519 »163767724 >The flood couldn't get rid of us >The Egyptians couldn't get rid of us >The Canaanites couldn't get rid of us >The Hitties couldn't get rid of us >The Babylonians couldn't get rid of us >The Persians couldn't get rid of us >The Greeks couldn't get rid of us >The Romans couldn't get rid of us >The Arabs couldn't get rid of us >The Spanish couldn't get rid of us >The Germans couldn't get rid of us >The soviets couln't get rid of us Why do you think that a bunch of virgin mutts like yourself believe that you will be able to defeat God's chosen people? The LORD has always been on our side and the third temple will be constructed in our lifetime. And other revelations culled from history's big secrets. By Charles Paul Freund O O O 0 O Neanderthal visage can be seen in three consecutive generations of the legendary billionaire Bronfman dynasty: founding father Sam. >The flood couldn't get rid of us S05T219973:30gH [/ So Are the Neanderthals Still Jews? his son Edgar and grandson Edgar Jr. Their organized crime-based riches have been parlayed into vast wealth and power. You read the press reports in July about the DNA of Neanderthals, and you quickly grasped how the new findings suggest that this branch of humanoids is much more distantly related to modern Homo sapiens than you may have believed—they are not even direct human ancestors. Now you must apply these findings, and examine their implications for the world around you. Specifically, you must weigh their effect on certain theories in circulation, among them that Neanderthals still walk—or lumber—among us, and indeed that they have maintained their cohesion The shared ethnic heritage of Bolshevik tyrant Leon Trotsky, intriguer Henry Kissinger and media maven Wolf Blitzcr (as evidencec in their similar physiognomies) points toward Neanderthal origins Notice the resemblance between Blitzer and Bronfman Jr. Bones Found in Israel Rewrite Theory of Neanderthal Extinction Neanderthals were thought to have been going extinct already when Homo sapiens arrived in the Levant, and to huddle in caves: Not so. discovery indicates. Scenter I OS*M rrw «"Ml *WU 0!7?2SAM n 1 * ■ О A • V О Z*n through the ages and still constitute a group apart. And, most importantly, that this group of living, lumbering Neanderthals is the Jews. Prominent Jewish Personalities with ‘Neanderthal’ Facial Types HARVEY MÉNACHEM SIMON MEYER WEINSTEN BEGIN WIESENTHAL LANSKY ABRAHAM FOXMAN MORRIS -МОЕ" DALITZ 1*3 Ьслм of a youvj NoAofertfol m*\ к-л*3 At Em tЫ fr« v*y of ъс**г и Art op*va/ COrtUlL «Cl A CM. trt **• l*v*rtt О** Ег*вАН0*«Г» Neanderthal Man Cm Модооп Man Modom Man Jordan: That's right. Neanderthal man, Cro-Magnon man, whatever these creatures were. They're called hominids, and all scientists around the world agree that there were hominids, there were ancient, what we call...popularly think of as cavemen. But there were hominid creatures that looked like us, walked upright, et cetera, but they're not like us. We are far, far different from them. Our minds are different, our brain chemistries are different - we're different from them. But while they were just animal-like hominids, we're having the ability to go to the stars, to write beautiful music, to invent televisions and high-tech stuff, where did we come from? We know all of the animals of the world, but where in the hell did we come from in our modern-day state? Well, that's what the scripture says. Somebody came here and said, "Come let us make man in our image, after our likeness." So that's why part of us is of them, in the stars, and the other part is the hominid creatures, so that's why there's an animalistic part of us, and there's a spiritual part Of us.
Human and Neanderthal love affair is traced back to Israel, 55,000 years ago By Rachel Feltman January 28,2015 Scientists have discovered a 55,000-year-old modern human skull in a cave in western Galilee. (Israel Hershkovitz, Ofer Marder & Omry Barzilai)
Bones Found in Israel Rewrite Theory of Neanderthal Extinction Neanderthals were thought to have been going extinct already when Homo sapiens arrived in the Levant, and to huddle in caves: Not so, discovery indicates. Ruth Schuster | ©Send me email alerts Jun 08, 2017 2:25 AM H Share ¥ Tweet s J*v p © O Zen Subscribe now Leg bones of a young Neanderthal man, found at Ein Kashish: the first discovery of Neanderthal bones in an open-air context, not a cave,
Roughly 6 percent of the world’s population consists of people with Neanderthal genes. Jews fall into this category. This is why Jews have always been a problem: because their Neanderthal genes make them twice as aggressive as the rest of the world’s Cro-Magnon derived races. Edited and presented with pictures, captions, and an endnote by Lasha Darkmoon on the sexual proclivities of the Jews. Anatomically modem human homo stpieos Neanderthal hcmo fiiMnd&thafefcis ■ Neanderthal fossil sites Atfaitlc Ocean > -if EUROPE WilfS Africa Meander Valley, Germany Site of first fatty] fossil HOMO SAPIENS NEANDERTHAL MAN Our immediate ancestors 50,000 years ago looked a lot like us, but were culturally primitive. ■ Higher brow ■ Narrower shoulders ■ Slightly taller on average Source: National Geographic; From Lucy to Language by Donafd Johmon and Btoke Edgar kWons of years ago 1 \ I 1 Ji u Common ancestor few hciddhcftjvnsis (¿¡frican) Part of human evolutionary tree J / /7 \ / (< Thought to be our closest ancestors, but new DNA research has all but eliminated this notion. ■ Heavy eyebrow ridge ■ Long, low skull ■ Prominent nose with developed nasal chambers to protect against cold air John Blanchard /Chronicle Graphic “Basically, I estimate that about seventy percent of the present crisis on this planet can be fairly attributed to the machinations of Neanderthal-Semitic elements of the human population against the Cro-Magnon majority.” — Michael Bradley, Esau’s Empire
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