Пути развития в Еве. / MMORPG :: Eve Online :: games :: eve :: Игры

eve Eve Online games MMORPG песочница 
Пути развития в Еве.
St :	s
Missionor Ganking
Killing people while they're running missions/combat sites in low/nullsec/WH space.
To Gravimetric and Gas (Ladar) mining
Static DED Complexes
Sites that respawn in the same location after set period of lime. May drop faction toot.
Kill rats, chance of
St : s Missionor Ganking Killing people while they're running missions/combat sites in low/nullsec/WH space. To Gravimetric and Gas (Ladar) mining J Static DED Complexes Sites that respawn in the same location after set period of lime. May drop faction toot. Combat Kill rats, chance of getting rare faction rats or escalation to further sites. л Radar/Magnetometric Kill rats, then use modules to open cans for loot •T To T3 Production Signatures Scan for sites using probes. Anomalies Scan for sites using on-board scanner or probes, then kill rats for bounty. Very rare chance of faction spawn. Trading Opportunities Incursions often occur far from trade hubs, allowing for greater profit margins. Level 5 Missions Designed for groups. Rewards large amounts of LP. Not available in high sec. R&D Passive income, requires high standings. COSMOS » Special missions in special constellations. Epic Arcs Follow series of missions, with (possible) large reward at the end Standard Start with Level 1 missions, work towards Level 4 To COSMOS/Storyline module production Ninja Salvaging Salvage wrecks from other people's missions Stealth/CONCORD Use Covops ships to sneak up on people in expensive ships using smartbombs, then loot their wreck after CONCORD kills them. Aggression Mechanics Coax people in PvE fit ships to shoot you, then return in PvP fit ship to shoot back. Missioner Griefing Use combat scanner probes to find people running missions and ... Salvaging Use Salvage modules on wrecks for chance of getting expensive toot. Ninja Looting Steal items from other people's wrecks. Suicide Ganking Kill expensive player ships in highsec before CONCORD kills you. then toot with another character Ransoming Holding players and/or their ships hostage for a negotiable fee. Roaming Gangs Fly around looking for people to shoot at. Gatecamping Walt at stargates for targets to jump through Corp Theft Join corp, build up trust, then steal everything. Minimum Buy QTY/Margin Contracts Scamming Getting people to buy worthless items from your sell order in the hope they can sell to your buy order which then fails. Trado Window Scamming Offering to sell similar looking items using trade window and hoping buyer doesn't double check Contract Scamming Advertising contracts with overpriced prices, or similar but cheaper items, or offer/receive swapped, hoping greedy/lazy players won't notice. Solo PvP Duel with other players outside stations, or hunt for solo prey. Scouting Reconnoitering in hostile space. Spying Infiltrate enemy corp and keep tabs on them. Can flipping Steal peoples ore. then attack them when they steal it back or shoot you Hunting bots Killing player ships piloted by (illegal) bots Pscyhological Warfare Trolling, smacktalk. etc. Join PvP corp POS Bashing Shooting Player Owned Starbases. which have tens of millions of HP POS Removal IWH Eviction Removal of players and their bases for a fee. Mercenary Contracts Shoot people that others want dead, for a fee Factional Warfare Enlist with militia to be able to shoot at opposing militia's recruits Red vs Blue Join corps who are permanently at war with each other in high sec V/ A Wardec Griofmg Declare war on carebear corps in highsec. for extortion or tears Sov War I Blobbing Fighting over ownership of solar systems with huge fleets of ships. Homeland Defense Kill any intruders in your alliances' space Wormholes Unconquered space with no permanent entrance/exit or stations. No Local window. 0.0 security. Tough NPCs with valuable loot. Exploration Chance of getting expensive rare modules Ratting Kill rats in asteroid belts for bounty. Rare chance of eventual faction spawn. Incursions Challenging PvE that requires fleets and teamwork. Missions Steady income from bounties, loot, salvage, mission reward and LP Piracy Scamming Solo Corporation Alliance Jivai • - a PvE PvP V О fsl L I rsl E sä \ Ship Carousels (Station Spinning) m Mining Industry Player Driven Chatting In-ship Steady income with less attention required Moon Requires Player Owned Starbase. Materials used in T2 production. 0.3 sec status or lower only. Planetary Interaction Click now, obtain goods to sell or use later Create your own corporation Market Production Hauling Forums PvP tournamonts EFT Warrioring Plan all your ship fits out of game without actually trying any of them. Training Enthusiast Optimise your skill training plan for optimal efficiency. Ore Mine ore from asteroids in asteroid belts Gravimetric Scan down Gravimetric sites using scanner probes Mission Ore Mine ore spawned in missions Wormhole Colonization Produce goods from PI to increase sustainability. Station Trading Buy low. sell high Tech 1 Tech 2 Tech 3 Capital Needs fair amount of skills Gas (Ladar sitos) Scan down using scanner Worthwhile in WH % )/IV7IaTO, WV/I %l Ivvl lllv> IM »VI 1 and 0.0, occasionally lowsec \ 7 ’ V \ JK y m JÊP w Market Manipulation Manipulate the price of goods for your own advantage Loans Loan money to other (trustworthy) players, with interest. Reprocessing Buy dirt cheap goods, then reprocess them into more valuable minerals. COSMOS/Storylinc module production Producing modules using blueprints and components found exclusively in COSMOS missions. Drug Production (Combat Boosters) Requires a Player Owned Starbase. Cannot be done in high sec. Hauling Buy for cheap in x. Sell for high in y Blueprint Research Researching material production efficiency and copying blueprints ► Invention Chance of creating T2 BPCs from T1 BPCs Manufacturing Produce ships, modules, ammunition etc. from blueprints * T2 Production Requires BPO/BPC, minerals and materials from moons. T3 Production Requires reverse engineering of Wormhole toot Capital Ship Production Requires large investment of time and money. Courier Contracts Move goods for other players from A to B for a reward Lowsec I 0.0 Logistics Moving goods from empire trade hubs to low and 0.0 markets. Ships, modules, ammo. POS fuel and more. Creative I graphic dosign I art services Journalism / Reporting Reporting on current in game events such as fleet engagements and politics. Historian Exploring, gathiner and documenting EVE lore. This document was created by St Mio on the 12th January 2011 (Revision 3) Feel free to distribute it for non-commercial purposes. Many thanks to: Anyura, Bodessia, Culmen, DeftCrow Redrlver, Dhaul, Ghoest, Hawk TT, Heimer Jowen Datloran, Kaile Demos. Kyubiya. Lady Spank, Mara Rinn. PeHDOM, Sazkyen. Selinate, Tom Fuileride, Tres Farmer. zOde for their input, and to everyone else on the forums for their comments EVE Online is copyright 1997-2011 CCP hf. Rolcplaying Other services e.g. Jump clone services, ship rigging services
eve,Eve Online,Игры,MMORPG,games,песочница
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очень-очень старая картинка, что даже некоторые ветки не актуальны или процесс указан не верно.
Harik Harik 11.03.201403:51 ответить ссылка 1.2
Доставь новую, если есть.
Krema Krema 11.03.201409:36 ответить ссылка -0.2
Ее давно перевели на русский
aspecter aspecter 11.03.201406:36 ответить ссылка 0.1
кривовато местами все равно...
dm3114 dm3114 11.03.201410:07 ответить ссылка 0.0
Блин,скоро возвращаться из армии, и подумываю вернуться в иви...но боюсь,что оооочень много пропустил за прошедшее время.Стоит ли сразу или подождать ещё немного времени, пока все не уладится в жизни?
Найди работу, а потом решай сможешь-ли уделять EVE достаточно времени.
устрой жизнь для начала, потом думай о игрушках, впрочем, изучение евы отлично разгоняет мозги после армейского упадка IQ
во,два последних совета очень к месту.
Просто в свое время убил год жизни,и есть что вспомнить фейлового и ржачного.
О армейских приколах можно рассказывать часами
Я как бы об иви,но к армии тоже самое можно сказать :D
ну и в eve тоже много всего вспомнить можно
Ей! Игра в таблички!
SemOtaku SemOtaku 11.03.201409:07 ответить ссылка 0.1
недавно они памятник замутили, с именами всех проплаченых подписчиков... а я проебал вспышку...(((
aspecter aspecter 11.03.201410:09 ответить ссылка -0.2
Вродеж не только проплаченым. Там все люди, которые купили клиент и хоть раз проплачивали месяц.
нет,именно тем, у кого проплачена в определенный период времени марта
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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Eve Online Игры

liniiru Okazaki Aamadeus Warblind Ayeson tea* an Lkldk Sergiy Goro Nagalilla Alan Flease Oyno H; ithana Aremts Koryn Valkyrye Renegade M ereader I'omi Kasrandgun Banker Guy sweettie salut scam wind Catamarack Soulless Brain Hasn’t been Asak Santh Cameron Armada Doc Koolaid Boirelle vfield Sargeant

(^нарушение' “This is EVE” - Uncensored (2014),Games,,Start your 14-day free trial at http://trial.eveonline.com
Created using player-submitted voice comms, "This is EVE" showcases the game's true multiplayer experience. Battle cries, calls to action, cheers of victory, panicked escapes and virtual high

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“This is EVE” - Uncensored (2014),Games,,Start your 14-day free trial at http://trial.eveonline.com Created using player-submitted voice comms, "This is EVE" showcases the game's true multiplayer experience. Battle cries, calls to action, cheers of victory, panicked escapes and virtual high