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Прошлая глава - http://vn.reactor.cc/post/2812863

Жизнь в маленьком лагере текла своим чередом. 

Мику навострилась копать глину и лепить кирпичи, Тиор занимался углем. Виола, так и не дождавшись тары под будущий алкоголь, взялась за дело сама, и освоила плотницкое ремесло. Несколько бочек, двери для домиков, кровати - наконец-то кровати! Больше не придется отыскивать кочку помягче, чтобы вздремнуть!

Тем временем стены столовой были закончены, и строители принялись за перекрытия. Здание решили сделать двухэтажным, и комнату на втором этаже отдать Лорду для его управленческих занятий.

Из диких зверей были лишь щуки в реке, да на той стороне реки обнаружилась стая барсуков...

Dwarf Fortress
Dwarf Fortress

'LordOfD0TA2' amidtekkud, Administrator cancels Construct Building: Could not find path.
The dwarves suspended the construction of Floor.
'Slavya' Zimkelzaneg has become a Herbalist.
'LordOfD0TA2* amidtekkud, Administrator cancels Give Water: Need empty

- Эгегей! Аууу!

- Там кто-то есть! - Славя, как всегда, была готова поспеить на помощь - АУУУ!! Сюда-а-а-а! Идите сюда-а-а!

Периодически подавая голос, новоприбывшие вышли из лесу к поселению. Восемь новых пионеров, готовых присоединиться к нашей дружной семье! Бернад, лесоруб и начинающий травник. Халфонзио, нелюдимый давильщик. Пчеловод, рыбочист и начинающий шахтер, представившийся странным именем - НаблюдаюЗаТобой. ДедРатт, резчик по дереву. А также еще четверо - три девушки (шахтер, повар и доярка) и один парень - выделщик шкур. 

- Мы рады вас приветствовать в нашем лагере, пионеры! Как видите, работы у нас хватит на всех, но ведь и вы не из лентяев? Сейчас нам необходимо достроить столовую, и разместить всех на ночлег. К сожалению, пока готовы только семь "квартир", но в тесноте да не в обиде. Виола, не могли бы вы снабдить нас необходимым количеством кроватей? Разместим пока по две в каждом доме.

- Ну что вы, Ольга, это меня ни капли не затруднит. Особенно учитывая, что медицинского отделения у нас пока нет.

- Медпункт у нас в планах стоит сразу после столовой, Виола, так что потерпите немного. А пока давайте приложим больше усилий!


Вечернее безделье вожатой нарушил решительный стук в деревянную дверь. Не дожидаясь ответа, внутрь вошел Тиор

- Ольга Дмитриевна. У нас есть предложение относительно развития нашего лагеря.

- Предложение? Очень хорошо... а у кого это - у вас?

- У нас, у шахтеров. Мы собираемся основать клуб исследователей земных недр, и заняться добычей полезных ископаемых.

- Хорошее начинание. А где вы собираетесь расположиться?

- Вон там, в низине, к юго-западу. Там будет стоять здание клуба, а под ним - вход в шахты.

- Хорошо. Я всегда рада, когда пионеры сами находят себе полезное дело! Разрешаю строительство, и можете привлечь к нему всех свободных пионеров!


Спустя несколько дней здание было воздвигнуто, а шахтный спуск уткнулся в водоносный слой. В поисках обхода шахтеры прокопали небольшой извилистый туннель на восток, и внезапно наткнулись на жилу железной руды. Первое достижение клуба исследователей недр! 

Славя, будто бы специально для этого события, обнаружила дикорастущий виноград. Узнав о находке, Виола немедленно потребовала выдать ей порцию для экспериментов в виноделии. Кажется, грядет праздник в новой столовой!

Итак, вот новые личности.


"I've been rained on. It makes me so grouchy?"
He is grouchy when caught in the rain.
He is a casual worshipper of Allas the Coasts of Spray and a worshipper of The Aquamarine Gate.
I He has the appearance of somebody	that is eighty-four years old and	is one of the only	ones	of his kind.


"I was out in the rain. It makes me so grouchy?"
He is grouchy when caught in the rain.
He is a faithful worshipper of The Love of Tenderness and a casual worshipper of The Aquamarine Gate.
I He has the appearance of somebody that is seventy-three years old and is one of the only ones of his

Халфонзио, нелюдимый давильщик

"I was out in the rain. So annoying!"
He is annoyed when caught in the rain.
He is a worshipper of The Aquamarine Gate and a worshipper of Tosid the Sanctuary of Cradling.
I He has the appearance of somebody that is fifty-nine years old and is one of the only ones of his kind.
His long


Dwarf Fortress
_ П
"I was out in the rain. So exasperating!"
He is exasperated when caught in the rain.
He is a worshipper of Doren and a worshipper of Odur.
I He has the appearance of somebody that is sixty-seven years

И ничейные дворфы:

Пионерка- шахтер

"It was raining on me. I'm annoyed."
She is annoyed when caught in the rain.
She is a worshipper of Doren and a worshipper of Tosid the Sanctuary of Cradling.
I She has the appearance of somebody that is fifty-five years old and is one of the only ones of her kind.
Her extremely long hair is


"I've been rained on. That's annoying."
She is annoyed when caught in the rain.
She is an ardent worshipper of Nethgon and a worshipper of Tosid the Sanctuary of Cradling.
I She has the appearance of somebody that is seventy-three years old and is one of the only ones of her kind.
Her very


"It was raining on me. It makes me so grouchy?"
She is grouchy when caught in the rain.
She is a worshipper of Allas the Coasts of Spray and an ardent worshipper of Hast.
I She has the appearance of somebody that is fifty-five years old and is one of the only ones of her kind.
Her somewhat


Dwarf Fortress
"I was out in the rain. It's annoying."
He is annoyed when caught in the rain.
He is a faithful worshipper of Isram Ponderedsummers and a worshipper of Isram Ponderedsummers.
I He has the appearance of somebody	that is eighty-two years	old and is one of the only ones	of

Из лагерной инфраструктуры у нас пока только квартал из 8 домиков, наполовину построенная столовая и стены шахтерского клуба, он же старый лагерь. Халфа припрягли осваивать гончарное дело вместе с Мику, Тиор по-прежнему занимается обжигом угля, остальные вкалывают на различных стройках. DeadRaTT настрогал деревянных чашек, так что пионерам не приходится пить, окунаясь мордой в бочку. Из алкоголя у нас пока только вино из колючеягодника, но мы работаем над этим. 

Dwarf Fortress Dwarf Fortress CE 'LordOfD0TA2' amidtekkud, Administrator cancels Construct Building: Could not find path. The dwarves suspended the construction of Floor. 'Slavya' Zimkelzaneg has become a Herbalist. 'LordOfD0TA2* amidtekkud, Administrator cancels Give Water: Need empty bucket. 'Tior' Rathfeb, Miner cancels Give Water: Need empty bucket. 'Miku' Shodukfikod has become a Potter. It is now summer. 'Uiola' Uodstinthad, Doctor cancels Brew drink from plant: Needs empty food storage item. 'Uiola' Uodstinthad has become a Carpenter. Some migrants have arrived. п X 16th Malachite, 2 x2
"I've been rained on. It makes me so grouchy?" He is grouchy when caught in the rain. He is a casual worshipper of Allas the Coasts of Spray and a worshipper of The Aquamarine Gate. I He has the appearance of somebody that is eighty-four years old and is one of the only ones of his kind. His short sideburns are neatly combed. His very long moustache is neatly combed. His very long beard is I braided. His medium-length hair is arranged in double braids. His somewhat short ears are flattened. His quite long nose is broad. His tan skin is slightly wrinkled. His hair is golden yellow with a touch of gray. His eyes are emerald. His eyebrows are slightly low. 'Bernad' Bekaroltar likes diorite, gold, pipe opal, date palm wood wood, two-legged rhino lizard horn, cotton fabric, the color dark violet, gems, low boots, doors, buckets, guineafowls for their social nature, I impalas for their mighty leaps, the sound of The Festive Larks and the sight of The Embrace of Saturninity. When I possible, he prefers to consume char and perry. He absolutely detests fire snakes. I He has a great affinity for language, but he has a poor memory. Like others in his culture, he holds craftsdwarfship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented artisans and their masterworks, has a great deal of respect for the law, greatly prizes loyalty, values family greatly, sees friendship as one of the finer things in life, believes that honesty is a high ideal, greatly respects artists and their works, really respects those that take the time to master a skill, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, values martial prowess, values I leisure time, respects commerce and finds nature somewhat disturbing. He personally views the pursuit of I knowledge as deeply important, dislikes cooperation, finds the ideas of independence and freedom somewhat I foolish and doesn't really see the point of working hard. He dreams of mastering a skill. He is prone to strong feelings of jealousy. He is not driven and rarely feels the need to pursue even a modest success. He has a sense of duty. He doesn't try to get things done perfectly. He does not have a great aesthetic sensitivity, and he is conflicted by this as he values artwork and its creation. He tends to ask others for help with difficult decisions. He likes to take it easy. He is stubborn. He tends to think before acting. He is rarely happy or enthusiastic, and he is conflicted by this as he values parties and merrymaking in the abstract. He occasionally overindulges. He generally acts with a narrow focus on the current activity. He I has an active imagination. He needs alcohol to get through the working day. I Overall, Deduk is untroubled by unmet needs. He is not distracted after being away from people. He is not distracted after leading an unexciting life. He is not distracted after being unable to acquire something. He is not distracted after being kept from alcohol. He is not distracted after a lack of decent meals. He is not distracted after being unable to fight. He is not distracted after a lack of trouble-making. He is not distracted after being unable to argue. He is not distracted after being unable to be extravagant. He is not distracted after not learning anything. He is not distracted after being unable to help anybody. He is not distracted after a lack of abstract thinking. He is not distracted after being unable to make merry. He is not distracted after being unable to admire art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a craft. He is I not distracted after being away from family. He is not distracted after being away from friends. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a martial art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a skill. He is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. He is not distracted after being unable to pray to The Aquamarine Gate. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
"I was out in the rain. It makes me so grouchy?" He is grouchy when caught in the rain. He is a faithful worshipper of The Love of Tenderness and a casual worshipper of The Aquamarine Gate. I He has the appearance of somebody that is seventy-three years old and is one of the only ones of his kind. His very long sideburns are neatly combed. His long moustache is arranged in double braids. His very long I beard is neatly combed. His short hair is neatly combed. His narrow emerald eyes are very wide-set. His somewhat broad ears are flattened. His eyebrows are low. His nose is quite long. His hair is dark brown. His skin is tan. 'DeadRaTT' Othmeng likes ash glaze, copper, light yellow diamond, crystal glass, mule leather, sloth bone, rope reed fabric, the color chartreuse, short swords and wren men for their intricate songs. When possible, he prefers to consume custard-apple cider and quinoa flour. He absolutely detests bats. I He has a great affinity for language, a very good feel for social relationships, a good kinesthetic sense 9 and willpower, but he has quite poor focus and very bad intuition. I Like others in his culture, he holds craftsdwarfship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented artisans and their masterworks, has a great deal of respect for the law, greatly prizes loyalty, values family greatly, sees friendship as one of the finer things in life, believes that honesty is a high ideal, greatly respects artists and their works, really respects those that take the time to master a skill, deeply respects those that work hard at their labors, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values cooperation, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, values martial prowess, values leisure time, respects commerce, values knowledge and finds nature somewhat disturbing. He personally believes it is important to conceal emotions and I refrain from complaining. He dreams of mastering a skill. I He is prone to strong feelings of lust. He doesn't mind a little tumult and discord in day-to-day living. He lives a fast-paced life. He has little interest in joking around. He can sometimes act without deliberation. He tends to be a bit stubborn in changing his mind about things. He finds helping others emotionally rewarding. He generally acts with a narrow focus on the current activity. He needs alcohol to get through the working day. Overall, Kogan is untroubled by unmet needs. He is not distracted after being away from people. He is not distracted after being unoccupied. He is not distracted after doing nothing creative. He is not distracted after I leading an unexciting life. He is not distracted after being unable to acquire something. He is not distracted I after being kept from alcohol. He is not distracted after a lack of decent meals. He is not distracted after I being unable to fight. He is not distracted after a lack of trouble-making. He is not distracted after being unable to argue. He is not distracted after being unable to be extravagant. He is not distracted after not learning anything. He is not distracted after being unable to help anybody. He is not distracted after a lack of abstract thinking. He is not distracted after being unable to make merry. He is not distracted after being unable to admire art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a craft. He is not distracted after being away from family. He is not distracted after being away from friends. He is not distracted after being I unable to practice a martial art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a skill. He is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. He is not distracted after being unable to pray to The Love of I Tenderness. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
"I was out in the rain. So annoying!" He is annoyed when caught in the rain. He is a worshipper of The Aquamarine Gate and a worshipper of Tosid the Sanctuary of Cradling. I He has the appearance of somebody that is fifty-nine years old and is one of the only ones of his kind. His long sideburns are neatly combed. His very long moustache is neatly combed. His very long beard is I braided. His short hair is neatly combed. His very flattened short ears have great swinging lobes. His nose is quite long. His emerald eyes are somewhat narrow. His head is somewhat short. His hair is auburn. His skin is tan. He is very slow to tire and very rarely sick, but he is clumsy and very slow to heal. 'haLf0n2io' Roderdodok likes ilmenite, lay pewter, goshenite, round lime wood wood, clear glass, giant hornbill tooth, sheep wool, the color copper, low boots, bracelets, animal traps, chicory for their taste, the I words of The Quiescence of Euphoria, the sound of The Amethyst Tongs and the sight of The Embrace of I Saturninity. When possible, he prefers to consume giant wombat, shad, potato plants, rye beer and barley seeds. I He absolutely detests mussels. He has a deep well of patience and good creativity, but he has poor focus. Like others in his culture, he holds craftsdwarfship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented artisans and their masterworks, has a great deal of respect for the law, values family greatly, sees friendship as one of the finer things in life, believes that honesty is a high ideal, greatly respects artists and their works, deeply respects those that work hard at their labors, values cooperation, finds merrymaking and partying I worthwhile activities, values martial prowess, values leisure time, respects commerce, values knowledge and I finds nature somewhat disturbing. He personally believes that the time taken to master a skill is a horrible I waste, finds the idea of fair-dealing foolish and cheats when he finds it profitable, disregards tradition and views loyalty unfavorably. He dreams of creating a great work of art. He feels best when everyone gets along without any strife or contention. He presents himself modestly and frowns on any flashy accoutrements. He is prone to strong feelings of jealousy. He is brave in the face of imminent danger. He tends to avoid any physical confrontations, and he works to square this natural tendency with his respect of martial prowess. He occasionally overindulges. He thinks he is fairly important in the grand I scheme of things. He tends to be swayed by the emotions of others. He tends to consider what others think of I him. He is moved by art and natural beauty, and he is troubled by this since he dislikes the natural world. He I has little interest in joking around. He doesn't seek out excitement. He often feels discouraged. He runs his fingers through his hair when he's annoyed. He needs alcohol to get through the working day. He does not mind being outdoors, at least for a time. Overall, Rakust is untroubled by unmet needs. He is not distracted after being away from people. He is not distracted after being unoccupied. He is not distracted after doing nothing creative. He is not distracted after being unable to acquire something. He is not distracted after being kept from alcohol. He is not distracted I after a lack of decent meals. He is not distracted after being unable to argue. He is not distracted after not learning anything. He is not distracted after being unable to help anybody. He is not distracted after a lack of I abstract thinking. He is not distracted after being unable to make merry. He is not distracted after being unable to admire art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a craft. He is not distracted after being away from family. He is not distracted after being away from friends. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a martial art. He is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. He is not distracted after being unable to pray to The Aquamarine Gate. He is not distracted after being unable to pray to Tosid the Sanctuary of Cradling. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
3 Dwarf Fortress x _ П ^abTudauZaTobo^^JhAlusbmnn^^^^abTudauZaTobo^^^p^sbed^sbs^^FsJ^^Tm? "I was out in the rain. So exasperating!" He is exasperated when caught in the rain. He is a worshipper of Doren and a worshipper of Odur. I He has the appearance of somebody that is sixty-seven years old and is one of the only ones of his kind. His sideburns are clean-shaven. His very long moustache is neatly combed. His very long beard is arranged I in double braids. His medium-length hair is neatly combed. He is average in size. He has a prominent chin. His slightly wide-set sunken emerald eyes are narrow. His nose is quite long. His ears are somewhat short. His hair is burnt sienna. His skin is tan. 'NabludauZaToboy' Rulushmeng likes bismuthinite, bismuth bronze, plume agate, giant giraffe horn, giant brown recluse spider silk, gems, gauntlets, backpacks, windows and the words of The Fish of Lobsters. When I possible, he prefers to consume copperhead snake, perch, one-humped camel cheese and rice beer. He absolutely I detests fire snakes. I He has a feel for music and a good feel for social relationships, but he has bad intuition, little Like others in his culture, he holds craftsdwarfship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented artisans and their masterworks, has a great deal of respect for the law, greatly prizes loyalty, sees friendship as one of the finer things in life, believes that honesty is a high ideal, greatly respects artists and their works, really respects those that take the time to master a skill, deeply respects those that work hard at their I labors, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values cooperation, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile I activities, values martial prowess, values leisure time, respects commerce and values knowledge. He personally I lacks any respect for family, values nature and values romance. He dreams of creating a great work of art. He drops any activity at the slightest hint of difficulty or even the suggestion of effort being required. He almost never feels discouraged. He doesn't mind wearing something special now and again. He tends to form only tenuous emotional bonds with others. He often acts with compassion. He tends to consider what others think of him. He often feels envious of others. He tries to keep his things orderly. He lives a fast-paced life. He is not inherently proud of his talents and accomplishments. He enjoys the company of others. He is quick to anger. He likes to brawl. He is quite comfortable with others that have a different appearance or culture. He finds obligations confining, though he is conflicted by this for more than one reason. He can handle stress. His voice I trails off when he is thinking about something. He laughs in a unique way when he's nervous. He chews his cheek when he's angry. He needs alcohol to get through the working day. Overall, Urvad is somewhat focused with satisfied needs. He is not distracted after being away from people. He is not distracted after being unoccupied. He is not distracted after doing nothing creative. He is not distracted after leading an unexciting life. He is not distracted after being unable to acquire something. He is not distracted after being kept from alcohol. He is not distracted after a lack of decent meals. He is not 1 distracted after being unable to fight. He is not distracted after a lack of trouble-making. He is not distracted after being unable to argue. He is not distracted after being unable to be extravagant. He is not I distracted after not learning anything. He is not distracted after being unable to help anybody. He is not distracted after a lack of abstract thinking. He is not distracted after being unable to make merry. He is not distracted after being unable to admire art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a craft. He is not distracted after being away from friends. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a martial art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a skill. He is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. He is not distracted after being unable to make romance. He is unfettered after seeing animals. He is not 1 distracted after being unable to wander. He is not distracted after being unable to pray to Doren. He is not distracted after being unable to pray to Odur. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
"It was raining on me. I'm annoyed." She is annoyed when caught in the rain. She is a worshipper of Doren and a worshipper of Tosid the Sanctuary of Cradling. I She has the appearance of somebody that is fifty-five years old and is one of the only ones of her kind. Her extremely long hair is neatly combed. Her flattened short ears have great swinging lobes. Her quite I long nose is broad. Her head is very short. Her nose bridge is somewhat concave. Her hair is flax. Her skin is tan. Her eyes are emerald. Iden itonathel likes siltstone, fine pewter, honey yellow beryl, basking shark leather, hemp paper, the color red, cabinets, crowns and two-humped camels for their humps. When possible, she prefers to consume gray gibbon, persimmon wine and watermelons. She absolutely detests cave spiders. I She has a deep well of patience, great intuition, a lot of willpower, a great memory, a natural inclination Я toward language and an ability to read emotions fairly well, but she has quite poor focus and very bad I Like others in her culture, she holds craftsdwarfship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented artisans and their masterworks, greatly prizes loyalty, values family greatly, sees friendship as one of the finer things in life, believes that honesty is a high ideal, greatly respects artists and their works, really respects those that take the time to master a skill, deeply respects those that work hard at their labors, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values cooperation, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, I values leisure time, respects commerce, values knowledge and finds nature somewhat disturbing. She personally I respects power, respects the law and does not really value skills related to fighting. She dreams of creating a I great work of art. She feels strong urges and seeks short-term rewards. She is often cheerful. She prefers that everyone live as harmoniously as possible. She has an active sense of humor. She thinks she is fairly important in the grand scheme of things. She isn't particularly ambitious. She doesn't mind wearing something special now and again. She is moved by art and natural beauty, and she is troubled by this since she dislikes the natural world. She tends to be a bit stubborn in changing her mind about things. She can easily fall in love or develop positive I sentiments. She doesn't seek out excitement. She tenses up when she's nervous. She needs alcohol to get through the working day. She does not mind being outdoors, at least for a time. I Overall, Iden is untroubled by unmet needs. She is not distracted after being away from people. She is not distracted after being unoccupied. She is not distracted after doing nothing creative. She is not distracted after being unable to acquire something. She is not distracted after being kept from alcohol. She is not distracted after a lack of decent meals. She is not distracted after being unable to fight. She is not distracted after being unable to argue. She is not distracted after being unable to be extravagant. She is not distracted after not learning anything. She is not distracted after being unable to help anybody. She is not distracted after a lack of abstract thinking. She is not distracted after being unable to make merry. She is not distracted after being unable to admire art. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a craft. She I is not distracted after being away from family. She is not distracted after being away from friends. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a skill. She is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. She is not distracted after being unable to pray to Doren. She is not distracted after being unable to pray to Tosid the Sanctuary of Cradling. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
"I've been rained on. That's annoying." She is annoyed when caught in the rain. She is an ardent worshipper of Nethgon and a worshipper of Tosid the Sanctuary of Cradling. I She has the appearance of somebody that is seventy-three years old and is one of the only ones of her kind. Her very flattened ears have great swinging lobes. Her very long hair is arranged in double braids. Her I quite long nose is broad. Her emerald eyes have thin irises. Her eyelashes are short. Her head is somewhat short. Her hair is mahogany. Her skin is tan. Her eyebrows are slightly low. She is rarely sick, quick to heal and tough. Mistem Dodoklolok likes borax, iron, brown zircon, sea monster tooth, moghopper bone, picks, quivers, statues, goblets, pigs for their sense of smell, the words of The Quiescence of Euphoria and the sight of The Embrace of Saturninity. When possible, she prefers to consume giant opossum, muck roots, carambola wine and oat I seeds. She absolutely detests blood gnats. I She has a great feel for social relationships and a sharp intellect, but she has a meager kinesthetic sense I Like others in her culture, she greatly prizes loyalty, values family greatly, believes that honesty is a high ideal, greatly respects artists and their works, deeply respects those that work hard at their labors, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values cooperation, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, values martial prowess, values leisure time, respects commerce, values knowledge and finds nature somewhat disturbing. She personally respects the law, doesn't particularly care about craftsdwarfship, doesn't care if | others take the time to master skills and does not care about friendship. She dreams of raising a family. She never fails to seek out the most stressful and even dangerous situations. She is quite comfortable with I others that have a different appearance or culture. She can easily fall in love or develop positive sentiments. She has a noticeable lack of perseverance. She tends to be a little wasteful when working on projects. She has a tendency toward forming deep emotional bonds with others. She prefers that everyone live as harmoniously as possible. She isn't particularly curious about the world. She has a tendency to consider ideas and abstractions over practical applications. She is slow to anger. She likes to take it easy. She needs alcohol to get through the working day. She does not mind being outdoors, at least for a time. 1 Overall, Mistem is untroubled by unmet needs. She is not distracted after being away from people. She is I not distracted after doing nothing creative. She is not distracted after leading an unexciting life. She is not I distracted after being unable to acquire something. She is not distracted after being kept from alcohol. She is not distracted after a lack of decent meals. She is not distracted after being unable to fight. She is not distracted after being unable to argue. She is not distracted after being unable to be extravagant. She is not distracted after being unable to help anybody. She is not distracted after a lack of abstract thinking. She is not distracted after being unoccupied. She is not distracted after being unable to make merry. She is not distracted after being unable to admire art. She is not distracted after not learning anything. She is not distracted after being away from family. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a martial art. She I is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. She is not distracted after being unable to pray to Nethgon. She is not distracted after being unable to pray to Tosid the Sanctuary of Cradling. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
"It was raining on me. It makes me so grouchy?" She is grouchy when caught in the rain. She is a worshipper of Allas the Coasts of Spray and an ardent worshipper of Hast. I She has the appearance of somebody that is fifty-five years old and is one of the only ones of her kind. Her somewhat short ears are very flattened. Her narrow emerald eyes are very wide-set. Her nose is quite I long. Her head is very short. Her very long hair is neatly combed. Her hair is ecru. Her skin is tan. She is strong, but she is susceptible to disease and quite clumsy. erith Egathstakud likes bauxite, billon, tsavorite, green glass, eagle leather, jackal tooth, mail shirts, coins, capuchin men for their social nature and the sound of The Mauve Chants. When possible, she prefers to consume rambutan wine and cotton seeds. She absolutely detests mussels. I Like others in her culture, she holds craftsdwarfship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented I artisans and their masterworks, has a great deal of respect for the law, greatly prizes loyalty, values family I greatly, sees friendship as one of the finer things in life, believes that honesty is a high ideal, greatly respects artists and their works, really respects those that take the time to master a skill, deeply respects those that work hard at their labors, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values cooperation, finds merrymaking and partying worthwhile activities, values martial prowess, values leisure time, respects commerce, values knowledge and finds nature somewhat disturbing. She personally believes war is preferable to peace in general. She dreams of creating a great work of art. She only rarely feels strong cravings or urges. She has an active sense of humor. She has a noticeable lack of perseverance. She often acts with compassion. She has a greedy streak. She likes to keep things practical, I without delving too deeply into the abstract. She generally acts with a narrow focus on the current activity. She finds obligations confining, though she is conflicted by this for more than one reason. She becomes very focused during conversations when she's angry. She needs alcohol to get through the working day. Overall, erith is untroubled by unmet needs. She is not distracted after being away from people. She is not distracted after being unoccupied. She is not distracted after doing nothing creative. She is not distracted after leading an unexciting life. She is not distracted after being unable to acquire something. She is not 1 distracted after being unable to fight. She is not distracted after a lack of trouble-making. She is not distracted after being unable to argue. She is not distracted after being unable to be extravagant. She is not I distracted after not learning anything. She is not distracted after being unable to help anybody. She is not distracted after being unable to make merry. She is not distracted after being unable to admire art. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a craft. She is not distracted after being away from family. She is not distracted after being away from friends. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a martial art. She is not distracted after being unable to practice a skill. She is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. She is not distracted after being kept from alcohol. She is not distracted after being unable to 1 pray to Allas the Coasts of Spray. She is not distracted after being unable to pray to Hast. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
3 Dwarf Fortress x "I was out in the rain. It's annoying." He is annoyed when caught in the rain. He is a faithful worshipper of Isram Ponderedsummers and a worshipper of Isram Ponderedsummers. I He has the appearance of somebody that is eighty-two years old and is one of the only ones of his kind. His sideburns are clean-shaven. His very long moustache is arranged in double braids. His very long beard I is braided. His hair is clean-shaven. His great-lobed short ears are very flattened. His quite long nose is sharply hooked. His emerald eyes are slit. His teeth are gapped. His tan skin is slightly wrinkled. His hair is sky blue with a touch of gray. He is very strong, but he is slow to heal, very flimsy and really susceptible to disease. Edem Astkegeth likes ash glaze, pig iron, picture jasper, the color eggplant, short swords, windows, flasks, llamas for their jutting teeth and bushtit men for their twittering groups. When possible, he prefers to I consume bat, asparagus and artichoke wine. He absolutely detests brown recluse spiders. I He has great intuition, a great deal of patience, a good kinesthetic sense and a way with words, but he has I Like others in his culture, he holds craftsdwarfship to be of the highest ideals and celebrates talented artisans and their masterworks, has a great deal of respect for the law, greatly prizes loyalty, values family greatly, sees friendship as one of the finer things in life, believes that honesty is a high ideal, greatly respects artists and their works, really respects those that take the time to master a skill, deeply respects those that work hard at their labors, respects fair-dealing and fair-play, values cooperation, finds merrymaking I and partying worthwhile activities, values martial prowess, values leisure time, respects commerce, values knowledge and finds nature somewhat disturbing. He personally values sacrifice, values decorum, dignity and I proper behavior and respects power. He dreams of mastering a skill. He is shameless, absolutely unfazed by the thoughts of others. He only rarely tries to assert himself in conversation. He is always tense and jittery. He dislikes obligations and will try to avoid being bound by them, though he is conflicted by this for more than one reason. He does not go out of his way to help others, and he is troubled by this because he truly respects sacrifice. He can sometimes act without deliberation. He tends to hang on to grievances. He tries to do things correctly each time. He is slow to anger. He takes offered help and gifts without feeling particularly grateful. He tends to be a little tight with resources when working on projects. He often acts with compassion, and he is conflicted by this since he sees these tendencies as an I impediment to the quest for power. He needs alcohol to get through the working day. Overall, Edem is untroubled by unmet needs. He is not distracted after being away from people. He is not distracted after being unoccupied. He is not distracted after doing nothing creative. He is not distracted after leading an unexciting life. He is not distracted after being unable to acquire something. He is not distracted after being kept from alcohol. He is not distracted after a lack of decent meals. He is not distracted after being unable to fight. He is not distracted after a lack of trouble-making. He is not distracted after being I unable to argue. He is not distracted after being unable to be extravagant. He is not distracted after not learning anything. He is not distracted after a lack of abstract thinking. He is not distracted after being I unable to make merry. He is not distracted after being unable to admire art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a craft. He is not distracted after being away from family. He is not distracted after being away from friends. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a martial art. He is not distracted after being unable to practice a skill. He is not distracted after being unable to take it easy. He is not distracted after being unable to pray to Isram Ponderedsummers. A short, sturdy creature fond of drink and industry.
Игры peregarrett(БЛ),Визуальные новеллы,фэндомы,Dwarf Fortress,Игры,Бесконечное лето,Ru VN,Русскоязычные визуальные новеллы,Отечественные визуальные новеллы
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Может как положено подземному клубу - подземный клуб? Там же когда-нить и музей находок. А за одно и подземный склад-завод по обработке сырья для всего остального. Особенно статуй, статуй мешков сахара.

Кстати - редактируешь пионеров с помощью программ(забыл как она называется, никогда не пользовался)?
Tior Tior 30.09.201623:58 ответить ссылка 0.0
Терапист и ДФхак еще не работают с новой версией, поэтому приходится все делать неэффективно через интерфейс игры.

А под землей у нас будет только добыча и выращивание грибов, все остальное будет происходить на поверхности. Ну, может бункер запилю, чтоб там операторы рычагов торчали на случай тревоги.
Назначь меня ещё и на работы с металлом(изготовление предметов).
Metal Crafter, то есть? Всякая мелочевка типа цепей, посуды, украшений и т.д.
Да, почти по специальности.
не в меру ленивый, считающий, что свобода и независимость для дураков, любящий одиночество сыч, который имеет способность к языкам и тягу к знаниям при полном отсутствии памяти - практически гном мечты
Bernad Bernad 01.10.201601:07 ответить ссылка 0.0
Ничего, мы еще сделаем из него образцового пионера.
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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