Автор / Yellow Pearl :: White Diamond :: Pink Diamond :: Blue Diamond :: Yellow Diamond :: SU Персонажи :: SU gemsona :: SU comics :: LittleSnaketail (cupcakeshakesnake) :: Steven Universe :: длиннопост :: фэндомы

SU comics длиннопост LittleSnaketail SU gemsona Blue Diamond SU Персонажи Yellow Diamond White Diamond Pink Diamond Yellow Pearl ...Steven Universe фэндомы 

Memories of a Diamond BY LlTTLESNAKETAIL
Yellow, I- standard regeneration process. Dispatch all available robonoids and service units to search for Rose Quartz. Y-yes, Diamond! r\\\1 Vv, \ | / / iM
My subjects,you are truly privileged to be witnessing this event of the millenia, the beginning of a new era, the birth of a new leader... All of this started so long ago. © LITTLES NAKETA1L

Greetings,young one. were I... Did I do something wrong? —Ah, do not worry. This is a very rare occurrence after all, and I suppose most of those present here were r-S\. N quite curious. " Doyou see the Sol system? It's rather underdeveloped as of now, but one day its planets will make promising colonies. One of them might be yours! There, now, smile foryour subjects. 7] J ill/^^1 WN ffljw \ Ui^\
But Homeworld, as a whole, seemed to accept Pink Diamond as a member of the Authority faster than we anticipated.
As I said, it's a rather underdeveloped organic planet. Do not get your hopes up. LATER »anic lifeforms. Yellow, couldyou take i look at these? You... brought them on board. Pink. I am a very busy ge E>h) I doubt I will have time for this. Oh, I understand. Doyou want me to take them away? ..That will be unnecessary. Pearl... dispose of these things on my control panel. Do you have a problem? N-no, my Diamond. As you wish. I did not want her to become attached to them. 1... see. 1/ \ \ \ ^ w 1 \ \ /c=3 f] / / \ u L \ f Sxvti ' ~Ü i*H I
■ - I I As you may have guessed, we are here to discuss the matter of Pink Diamond. Then, why is she not here? rty 1 vit Good question. 1 decided it would be more beneficial if she remained unaware of this matter. fyi 'w
I Can't we let Educate her? Us? I'm busy with I duties! I her learn by I herself? wM 1 ¿A W®) 1 Listen to me. Pink came out flawed. Not only that, but she is acting wrong. Although we do not know why as of yet - in fact, I suspect it may have been a mistake on our side and have ordered research conducted on it -I am of the opinion that if she can't be a full Diamond, she has to at least try and act like one. \ Doyou understand? HA I dis— Well, I fsuppose you __________ 1 present valid points. ^ I agree with you. I will try my best to guide her. 'Ac Good. Blue? -Fine. I will help. Then I trust you \ with this. Blue, what is wrong? What? 1 felt like you Kh J , kept trying to 1 argue with j White. ' (ûJ Well, I just wish you could give her a break. Look at her, Yellow! She's young - it's barely been a century -naive, yes, but why are you so eager to stamp it out of her? Don't you realize she is the only one of us who still has that optimism, those good intentions that we lost so long ago? I just -1 want to protect her. I don't want her world to become a dull gray cycle... Like it did forme... And if it must happen, I don't want to speed it up by 'educating' her. I know it's useless to I argue against you two, but... I'm sorry... But 1 don't understand. 1 Ä ^ i //{T % A \ \h \w--W ] H No, I don't suppose you would. Well, I'll take my leave. I hopeyou do the same, \ since our work has just increased quite a lot.
What? Next time, try to do it yourself. A Diamond is nothing without discipline. I'm so soriyyou I have to go , l through f --this... Well, if that's i/hat you want. ©LittleSnaketail ft yb '■■M r \a| [
You lose. 1 A Diamond , I never shows f I weakness.
 Why are you like this? Why areyou doing this tome? I j Pink... j { 1 <p- 1 \ M -'i You were! flawed. I ! Flawed from the very | beginning; we covered up I foryou, butyou are a shamej to us all. You should be thankful that you were accepted among /1 us at all, now shut your mouth! j ...So that's what you've 1 * been hiding from me. J i I You're embarrassed. Fine. I'll... I'll leave. Thanks for explaining everything. j Yellow, why did you do that?! \ j ■ rr^> What?! | ; 1 , ! i ¿PÛ j She was going to find out I sooner or later anyway! I We can't cradle her /^1—( I forever! t r) l \^> 4 \ I % jf) ©LittleSnaketail
m so sorry. I didn't know what I was saying. Don't apologize. You were onl' 11 telling the A ){ truth. [ Please © Littles naketail
Steven Universe,фэндомы,SU comics,длиннопост,LittleSnaketail,cupcakeshakesnake,SU gemsona,Blue Diamond,SU Персонажи,Yellow Diamond,White Diamond,Pink Diamond,Yellow Pearl
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I shouldn't have. I kept wondering whether White was hiding something from us after all. However, I never got to know... Before it was too late I disregarded these as mere distracting thoughts. ©LittleSnakjetail
...I felt as if White was trying to say more before dismissing us, then gave up.
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Doyou think there's something she doesn't want to tell us?
If we find ourselves using it, it will be in truly dire \ straits.
I suppose she didn t look too en

LittleSnaketail,cupcakeshakesnake Steven Universe фэндомы White Diamond SU Персонажи SU comics Blue Pearl Blue Diamond Yellow Diamond Yellow Pearl

...I felt as if White was trying to say more before dismissing us, then gave up. She did seem as if something else was on her mind. Doyou think there's something she doesn't want to tell us? If we find ourselves using it, it will be in truly dire \ straits. I suppose she didn t look too en
...Which leads to the conclusion that these errors factored in together to form most, if not all, of Pink Diamond’s... individuality.
Are you accusing her of inherent flaws?!
{ No,	my Diamond, 1
/"x	that's not--! -,
I / >	
■ c	XX	

Peridot, thankyou for your service.
You may lea

Steven Universe фэндомы LittleSnaketail,cupcakeshakesnake White Diamond SU Персонажи Yellow Diamond Blue Diamond Pink Diamond SU comics

...Which leads to the conclusion that these errors factored in together to form most, if not all, of Pink Diamond’s... individuality. Are you accusing her of inherent flaws?! { No, my Diamond, 1 /"x that's not--! -, I / > ■ c XX \_m Yes. Peridot, thankyou for your service. You may lea
I am aware that it is a distasteful choice for all of us. But continuing the war may mean countless more gems lost.
But only as a last resort.

White Diamond SU Персонажи Steven Universe фэндомы LittleSnaketail,cupcakeshakesnake Yellow Diamond Blue Diamond Pink Diamond SU comics

I am aware that it is a distasteful choice for all of us. But continuing the war may mean countless more gems lost. / But only as a last resort. ©LittleSnakitail