def raain_region_off_react(self, try_tnansition): didjtransition = try„transition if try_ / Dolores Abernathy :: Westworld :: ADAM MOHAREVSKI :: Сериалы

Westworld Сериалы Dolores Abernathy ADAM MOHAREVSKI 

def raain_region_off_react(self, try_tnansition): didjtransition = try„transition
if try_transition: if (self.react()) == False: if self.sci_user.on_button: self.exit_sequence_main_region_offO self.sci_user.brightness = 1 self.enter_sequence_main_region_on_default() else:
didtransition = False self.sci_user.brightness = 1 self.enter_sequence_main_region_on_defaultO else:
did transition = False
sclt.statc.vcctorlel = self. State. null_statc
def cxit_scqucrcc_nain_reqlon.on(sclf): 6 self.state.vectorlel - self.State.null state

def raain_region_off_react(self, try_tnansition): didjtransition = try„transition if try_transition: if (self.react()) == False: if self.sci_user.on_button: self.exit_sequence_main_region_offO self.sci_user.brightness = 1 self.enter_sequence_main_region_on_default() else: didtransition = False dcf cnter_scquencc_main_rcgion_on_default(self) : self.next_state_lndex = 8 self.state_vectorlBj - self.State.naln_reglon_on def enter_sequence_main_reglon_default(self): self.r€act_naln_reglon_entry_dcfault() def exlt_sequencejnain_reglon_off(self): state index = 8 self.state_vector[8] = self.State.null_state def exit_scqucncc_main_rcgion_on(sclf): self.next_state_lndex - 8 self.state_vector[8] - self.State.null.state return didtransition def main_region_on_reac did_transition = try_t if try_transition: if (self.react()) == if self.exit_sequence_ self.enter_sequence elif ((self.sci_use self.exit_sequenc self. sci_user. brii self.enter_sequenc else: did_transition = Fa return did_transitio def run_cycle(self): """ Starts a cycle in if self.initialized is raise ValueError( 'The state machine nee self.next_state_index = 0 while self.next_state_inde' if self.state_vector[self] self.main.regionbff Aeac elif self.state_veltoricel self .main_region_c\i_r$^3t( self.next_state_ind" self._clear_events Q SCTVERSION (String): the current lintSIAW (String): the current 0: USFR (String) : the ruwo nf the ctn HOSTSWIE (String): the host rate o SHA256 (String): the hash of the re SCÏFIIE (String): Path to Uie state 11 ((void *)0) true true false false TYPES_H_ */ def __init__(self, statemachine): self.on_button = yuyutash = westworld self.brightness = None self.statemachine = statemachine ring char* sc_boolean; astl6_tsc_short; fastl6_t sc_ushort; _t sc_integer; 32_t sc.uinteger; ile sc_real; t* sc.eventid; |ptr_t sc_intptr_t; lusplus GeneratorModel for yakindu:: java ■{ var projectName : string = "light_switch" var version : string = "1.0" var isBeta : boolean = true var generateTimerService : boolean = true statechart myStateAutomaton feature Outlet { targetProject = projectName targetFolder = "sre-gen/" + version libraryTargetFolder = "sre" > feature GeneralFeatures { TimerService = generateTimerServce > feature PyPackaging { CreateFiles = false Author - "admin" Version - "8.0.1“ ShortDescription - "Some description" License - "WTFPL" URL = "" > } (isBeta ? sc. boolean traf licliqhtllnir-ng jnain_rcqion_on_rl_PcûWaitinq_tcv0_raiscd; sc-boolean traffictightNa IUng-main-reqicn_an_rl_Pe<JNaiting_rl_iraitOn_tcv0_ruiscd; sc.boolean traf fiel lght*avting_maln_reg1on_on_r1_Pe(Malîlng_r1_iialt0ff_tev8_ralsed; sc_boolean traff IcLighUlal tlng_maln_region_ on.rl.S tree tA tient ion_tcv8_raised; scjjoolean traffIci lght*airing_maîn_reglon_on_r1_StreetRed_tev0_ralsed; sc.boolean trafflcLiqhtNaltlng_maln_reqlon_an_rl_PedestrianGreen_tev8_ralse(J; sc-boolean tratticLiqhtaaitinq_main_reqicn_on_rl_PedestrianRed_tevO_raised; sc-boolean trafflcLl<jhtnaltlng_maln-reglon_on_rl_streetPrepare_tevO_ralsed; sc boolean traf flclightNaltlng_maln-reglon_of f_rl_YellowOn-tev8_raised; sc boolean trafficllghtNaitlng main region off rl YcllowOff tcv8 raised; } TrafficLightBialtlngTineEvents; /*' Define dimension of the state configuration vector for orthogonal states. */ «define TRAFFICLI6HTNAITING WAX ORTHOGONAL STATES 1 /** Define maximum nunber of time events that can be active at once */ «define TRAFFICLIGHTWAITING_HAX_ACTIVE_TIHE_EVENTS 2 /*'. Define indices of states In the StateConfVector */ «define SCVI TRAFFICLIGHTTIAITING HAIN REGION ON 0 «define SCVI_TRAFFICLICHTTIAITING_HAIN_REGION_ON_Rl_STREETGfl€EN 0 «define SCVI _ I RAF HCl ICH INAL f ING_HAIN_RtGION_ON_Rl_PfcWVAI I INC 0 «define SCVI_TRAFFICtIGHTNAITING_HAIN_REGION_ON_Rl_PEOWAITING_Rl_#AITON 0 »define SCVI.TRAFriCl IGMTTIAITING_HAIN_RrGI0N_0N_Rl_Pr0IVAITING_R1 JMITOrr 8 »define SCVI_lRAFFICLIGHmAinNG_HAIN_REGI0N_0N_Rl_STREETAT7ENTI0N B »define SCVI-TRArriCLIGirniAITING.HATN_RCGION-ON_Rl_STRCETRCO 8 «define SCVI_TRAFFICLIGHTI1ATTING_HATN_REGI0N_0N_R1_PEDESTRIANGREEN 8 «define SCVI_TRAFFICLIGHTNAITING_HAIN_REGI0N_0N_R1_P£0ESTRIANRED S «define SCVI_TRAFFICLIGHTTIAITIND_HAIN_REGI0N_0N_R1_STREETPREPARE 0 »define SCVI_TRAFFICLIGHTNAITING_HAIN_REGION_OFF 8 «define SCVI TRAFFICLIGHTTIAITING HAIN REGION OFF Rl YELLOWON 8 «define SCVI_TRAFFICLICHTTIAITING_HAIN_RECI0N_0FF_R1_YELL0(WFF 0 self.sci_user.brightness = 1 self.enter_sequence_main_region_on_defaultO else: did transition = False sclt.statc.vcctorlel = self. State. null_statc def cxit_scqucrcc_nain_reqlon.on(sclf): 6 self.state.vectorlel - self.State.null state return didtransition def __init__(self, statemachine): self.on_button = yuyutash = westworld self.brightness = None self.statemachine = statemachine def moin_region_on_react(setf, try_transition) did.transition = try.transition if try.transition: if (self.reactQ) == False: if self .exit_sequence_inain_region_on() elif ((self.sci.user.on.button) and ((self.sci.user.brightness) < 10)) self.exit_sequence_main_region_on() self.sci.user.brightness = self.sci.user.brightness ♦ 1 self.enter_sequence_main_region_on_default() else: didtransition = False «ifndef SC.TYPES.H. «define SC.TYPES.H. «ifdef ..cplusplus extern "C" «endif «include <stdint.h> «include <stdbool.h> return did.transition «define sc.string char* typedef bool sc.boolean; typedef int_fastl6_tsc_short; typedef uint.fastlô.t sc.ushort typedef int32_t sc.integer; typedef uint32_t sc.uinteger; def run.cycle(self): Starts a cycle in the state machine if self.initialized is not True: raise ValueError( •The state machine needs to be initialized first by calling tha inlt() function.*) = 0 while < len(self.state.vector): if self.state_vector[].name == ’* : elif self.state.vector(].name =* •main.region.on* : self.aain.region.on.react(True) ♦= 1 typedef double sc.real typedef void* sc.eventid typedef intptr.t sc.intptr.t «ifdef ..cplusplus «endif «ifndef null «ifdef ..cplusplus «define null 0 «else «define null ((void *)0) «endif «endif SCTVtftSIOl (String): the current version of YAX1N0U Statechart Tools, for ex« TIMESTAMP (String): the current date and tlae as a localised string, for nam USER (String): the naat of the current user aho started ttils instance of yakii HOSTNAME (String): the host noms of the aechine on ehich YAKINOU Statochart T< SHA25-S (String): The hash of the referenced file (for exaople, the state chart SCIFIU (String): rath to the stateefurt file relative to the woranpaca. «define bool.true true «define bool.false false «endif /* SC.TYPES.H. */ ■К *>t h. (о*. poth. ]• U (o*. Mth. Лгав Ai) * f«ter CMttca init code here.. GeneratorHodel for yakindu:: java { var projectName : string = "light_switch" var version : string = "1.0" var isBeta : boolean = true var generateTimerService : boolean = true statechart myStateAutomaton { feature Outlet { targetProject = projectName targetFolder = "sre-gen/" ♦ version ♦ (isBeta ? "beta librarylargetFolder = "sre" sc boolean traf f lei 19h tWaltingjMin_reglon_on_rl_PcdNaltlng.tcv8_ralsed; sc.boolean traf fId.i9btd3itin9_dain.rc9ion_on_rl_l»c(jdait 1n9_rl.Ba1tOn.tcv8.raised; sc boolean traffici.lghtllaltlng_iialn_reglon_on_rl.Ped*altlng_rl_ealt0ff_tev8_relsed, sc boolean traff let lghtWal ting «aIn region on rl. StrcctAttcntlon tcv8 raised; sc.boolean traf fid igntila it lng.dain.reglon.on.rl.St reetRed.t ev8_raised; sc.boolean traffld lQhtHaiting_«aln.reglon.on_rl_PedestrianGrcen_tev8_raised; sc.boolean tratf lcti9htiialting.«ain_rcglon.on_rl.Pcdcstrian«cd_tcv6_rols€d; sc.boolean traffletightiiamng_«ain_region_on_rl.StreetPrepare_tev«_raised; sc.boolean traff lcU9htNaiting _rl_YcUo*On_tcv8_raiscd; sc.boolean trafflcli9ht*alting *am region off.rl YcllcwOff tev8 raised; > TraffiellghtWaltlngTl»cEvcnts; feature GeneralFeatures { TimerService = generateTimerServce /*! Define dinenslon of the state configuration vector for orthogonal states. */ «define TRAFHCLIGHMIAlTING.itAX.ORIHOuONAL.SIATfcS 1 feature PyPackaging { CreateFiles false Author "admin" Version "0.0.1" ShortDescription "Some description' License "ftTFPL" URL "www. your* houepage. con" /*? Define aaxiiaun nwtbcr of tide events that can be active at once */ «define TRAFFIC! ICH THAI TING .MAX. ACTIVE .TIME .EVENTS 7 /*! Define indices of states in the StatcConfVector ♦/ «define SCVI_TRAFFICtICHniAITIMG.MAIN.RfCIOH.ON 8 «define SCVI.TRAFFICLIGHTlIAITING.NAINJtEGION.ON.Rl.STREETGREEN 0 «define SCVI.TRAFFICLIGHTWAITIMG MAIN REGION ON.Rl PE WAITING 0 «define SCVI TRAFFICLIGHntAITIMG.MAIN.RfGION.ON.Rl PEWAITING.R1 KAITON 8 «define SCVI.IRAI I ICLIGHIKAl Ï ING_MAIN_REGI0N_0N_R1_PED9AI I ING.Rl.HAlTOf F 8 «define SCVI.TRA1fICIIGHIKAIIIMG.MAIN.RfGION_ON.Rl.SIRt f TAIT! N1 ION 8 «define SCVI.TRAFFICtIGHTIIAITIMG.MAIN.RfGION.ON.Rl.STRfCTREO 0 riVflnw WT ТРАГГТП Tf.MIWAT T ТкГ. ИДТМ or ГЛИН ПИ PI Pf nt <;Т01ДиГ.РГГМ я ttQcuuc гсА1"итисг1СН111У111ис'м¥Ш'«с!(м ом"мгг1ьтыо о ttQCUUC 2СД1 1HVM ICriCHIMVI 1 IMC~MVIM~Bf CI(M'M'ttJ’2lbf f IVlif МИОМ в ttqcuuc гСАПШТП 1СГ ICH1ÄYI1 IHC'UYIN'bl С1(М"С1Гй1'Ы OWVI1 INC ttJ'NYI 10И в ttQCUUC 2CAI"*lHVlt ICi ICH1MYI11ИС МУ1И Ы CIQA OM bJ U OMVIl1*С~Ы NYI1СИ 8 ttQCUUG 2СД1 lHVHICf 1СНПГШ1ИС MYI* WCKM M HI bEOWYIilNC 9 ttQcuuc zcArumncriCHiMviiiHC MviiirwcKM Ow'brzibmebfnii 9 ttQcuuc 2CAI ltfVniCriCHlMYHIHC UV1M bICICM ОМ 0 \#i QC4TUC IUQTCC* 04 «JBft« TU fpC 2I9I6C©U4A6CfOL *\ ПЬГ „димгАопи рошбЬзОб-со«.. r?CGU2G .ILILbr • 2POL|0**CLjbHOu qGZCL/bjjou AGL2T0U ynjpoL .gqjiu.. 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Westworld,Сериалы,Dolores Abernathy,ADAM MOHAREVSKI
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