CGI Animated Short HD: "Brain Divided" by Josiah Haworth, Joon Shik Song and Joon Soo Song,Film,,Check out this great CGI animated short film by the talented Josiah Haworth, Joon Shik Song and Joon Soo Song! Presented by Ringling College of Art and Design and debuting online exclusively in Cartoon Brew's 4th annual Student Animation Festival. For more information about this short film please see the links below: Brain Divided Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/BrainDivided Short film "Brain Divided" Official Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/66771902 http://legend20x.wix.com/josiahhaworth Josiah Haworth's Animation Reel: vimeo.com/63448192 Joon Soo Song's Animation Reel: vimeo.com/66196390 Joon Shik Song's Animation Reel: vimeo.com/66089657 To learn more about the production of this film, visit: cartoonbrew.com/brewtv/braindivided-85851.html
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