High Five Camera / High Five Camera :: high five :: GoPro :: video

video high five GoPro High Five Camera 
High Five Camera
Всем добра и пять сверху!
трэк: Le Tigre - Deceptacon (DFA remix)

High Five Camera,high five, open source, camera, gopro, san francisco, bay bridge, arduino, arduino yun, instructables,Controlling a GoPro with an Arduino Yun, I was able to create a camera that would automatically take short video clips of the high fives I gave strangers. Learn how it was made at Instructables. www.instructables.com/id/High-Five-Camera Music by Le Tigre - Deceptacon (DFA remix)
video,high five,GoPro,High Five Camera
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	АЖ V Л^т		
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	Щ ~Л *l7^Il Dayz - Tried to high-five a guy coming out of Grishino,Games,,Dayz Stand-alone
Buy it now: http://store.steampowered.com/app/221100

Tried to high five a guy in the Dayz standalone.

Holy sh*t 300k views! Thank you guys so much for all the awesome comments. 
It has been entertaining me for hours.

Dayz не дружба магия. Hive five песочница high five смешное видео удалённое

Dayz - Tried to high-five a guy coming out of Grishino,Games,,Dayz Stand-alone Buy it now: http://store.steampowered.com/app/221100 Tried to high five a guy in the Dayz standalone. Holy sh*t 300k views! Thank you guys so much for all the awesome comments. It has been entertaining me for hours.