Smart Car: Driver killed after her micro-sized vehicle hits a... motorcycle
They also learned that drivers in lightweight cars were up to twelve times more likely to die in a crash – and far more likely to suffer serious injury and permanent disabilities.
Car Accident Compilation, South Korea / Подборка автомобильных аварий, Южная Корея,Autos,,A selection of car accidents that have occurred in the South Korea, taken by the DVR.
Подборка автомобильных аварий, произошедших на территории Южной Кореи, снятых на видеорегистратор. Что интересно - полное п
И там был не мотоцикл.
Smart Car: Driver killed after her micro-sized vehicle hits a... motorcycle
They also learned that drivers in lightweight cars were up to twelve times more likely to die in a crash – and far more likely to suffer serious injury and permanent disabilities.