ЧЕЛОВЕК В КОСМОСЕ! КАПИТАН ПЕРВОГО ЗВЕЗДОЛЕТА-НАШ, СОВЕТСКИЙ! Великая победа разума и труда М ИР Р У КО ПЛЕ ЩЕ Т ЮРИЮ ГАГАРИНУ ПРС.П'ГА РИМ Л ГГ Г СТРАХ. СОХДНПЯУГГСУ К Коммунистической партии и народам Советского Союза! К народам и правительствам всех стран! Ко всему прогрессивному человече
Some sources have claimed that Gagarin commented during the flight, "I don't see any God up here." However, no such words appear in the verbatim record of his conversations with Earth-based stations during the spaceflight.[17] In a 2006 interview, Gagarin's friend Colonel Valentin Petrov stated that the cosmonaut never said such words, and that the quote originated from Nikita Khrushchev's speech at the plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU about the state's anti-religion campaign, saying "Gagarin flew into space, but didn't see any god there."[18] Petrov also said that Gagarin had been baptised into the Orthodox Church as a child, and a 2011 Foma magazine article quoted the rector of the Orthodox church in Star City saying, "Gagarin baptized his elder daughter Elena shortly before his space flight; and his family used to celebrate Christmas and Easter and keep icons in the house."[19]