LAD SHAT IN TEACHERS' School forced to close for health EXAMS were thrown into chaos when a school had to be evacuated - after a pupil PLOPPED in the teachers' tea break kettle. Mason Prendergast, 16, loosed his youthful bowels into the kettle after sneaking into the staff room before classes. The workshy father-of-two's vile act was discovered when the head of languages wont to make a cup of camomile for her nerves and unwittingly heated IVendergast's stools to boiling point. A "Level 6 Contamination Emergency" was declared at the school - which cunnot be named for legal reasons - and the site was evacuated for the rest of the day while a council tenm cleaned up. Three exams were cuncelled and will have to be rescheduled after discussions with the exam hoard. lYendergast was identified as the culprit when he boasted of his wickedness on social media. I t's lad ie ved the 1 ad pu I led the sick stunt as he was worried he was not & safety reasons adequately prepared for his GCSK film studies exums. A spokcsmun for the school, in Crewe, Cheshire, refused to confirm what action would be taken against him hut said there had been a "proportionate response to the incident". Mum Whitney Garner, 29, rasped: “Its not our Mason’s fnult. He’s got that LAPD and the teachers pick on him but the doctors says he can’t huve any more of that rin-tin-tin because he sells it to junkies on the ret*. "It’s not fair. I’m off down that social first thing Monday morning because me nana soys I can get compoasshesaw it on tleir Hunters."
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Парень забрался в учительскую бытовку и насрал в чайник. Предположительно, он сделал это потому что не подготовился к предстоящему экзамену и решил таким образом сорвать урок. Что вполне получилось - обосравшиеся от коричневого ужаса преподы вызвали полицию и санслужбу, объявив "биологическую угрозу пятого уровня".
В заключении написано some sort оправдание от мамаши малолетнего террориста, что-то вроде "Полиция и учителя обвиняют сыночка, но это не его вина. Врачи говорят что он не мог выдавить бурую жижу, потому что занимается продажей копро-видео каким-то наркоманам."