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Tequila suicide from Sweden must see very funny!!,Comedy,Rejv,Tony,Disco,Bendt,Tequila,Suicide,Party,Drink,shot,bowling,achmed,salt,lemon,sweden,sverige,must,funny,tv,trailer,movie,dvd,film,you,see,special,beer,very,drinkin,midsommar,sommar,öland,dricka,fest,festa,öla,partajja,jajjamen,det,va,som,fan,DiscoBendts brother RejvTony visited Öland and demonstrated the latest trend from Säters fasta paviljong, Tequila Suicide.... Instructions: 1 glass Tequila Salt 2 l pieces of lemons Snort salt take a big tequila take the lemons and rub on the eyes them slam your head on the table. Have fun
видео,video,алкоголь,текила,как правильно пить текилу,песочница
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