Rammstein - Mutter Female Cover,Entertainment,,Doanload Mutter Cover Here: https://loudr.fm/release/mutter/rZwep?utm_source=new_release&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=rZwep Me, Laura, singing my own interpretation of a beautiful song (Mutter by Rammstein) made in a soft and different way. The guitar player's Chris of Edgar Allan Poets; check out his band, they're awesome! Here's one of their videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZRoCbxToCc&feature=plcp&context=C40cb6b7VDvjVQa1PpcFNSBE3P16yfL2BwTj5hF9_PlmQQ6WHvPf0= Mutter Rammstein (cover)
video,Ютуб,YouTube,Rammstein,mutter,музыка,няша,Фото и рисунки милых девушек привлекательной наружности - настоящие няши,Laura (TK),песочница
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