11 W ILS ■ Í I BOOK ONE DREAMFALL C HAPT E RS REBORN 1.121.972 choices made to date! "not counting multiple playthroughs CAREER PATH lil Not only do the two career paths have completely different gameplay — Zoe also sports different outfits and hairstyles! I «r ROMANCE V §/ of all players flirted with DR ROMAN, Zofi’s psychologist, after the therapy session. $7 5/of players opted to Let It Go, preventing REZA from storming out of the apartment, and saving Zoe’s relationship. For now. chose to play it safe nd brought Reza CHEESE SOUP for lunch lived dangerously and bought the PORK SAUSAGES. The SAUSAQUENCES will play out in the upcoming Book Two: Rebels. * dinner date. VIOLENCE X Kian's escape from death row in Friar’s Keep was a bloody affair, but only y of players went on a KILLING SPREE choosing to kill everyone they came across. 59.57. chose to end ARN STONT suffering and promised to visit his widow in Marcuria. Kian’s promise must be fulfilled in Book Two. ~JV Poor BARUTI MAPHANE! Zoe’s campaign manager was hit 2064 times in the gonads by MR LONDON. OUCH! mm MMOYM! RANDOM FACTS Ui 54,500 47 words of dialogue in Book One of players connected to — that’s the equivalent of an entire season of Game of Thrones! ■r Facebook. The rest missed out on a chance to see the choices their friends made.* (’we never post anything to your Facobook timeline) 4H 7M is the average time spent playing Dreamfall Chapters Book One: Reborn (the first of five episodes!) © 27,290 players chose to redo one or more of their choices, affecting the outcome of the story* o (’replays do not count towards total choices made) - current as of January 21st, 2015 Dreamfall Chapters Book One: Reborn is now available on 'Humble Siore Many of our players never knew there was a SECOND and completely different career path in the game! Where you get to meet this adorable thing, KIDBOT Most players chose “the path that might be” where they got to work with the somewhat controversial MIRA and her silent partner WIT. This is also where players got to know SH*TBOT the surprise star of Book One. WELDING!!! people played MATCHMAKERS and set Reza’s editor SULLY and Zoe's supervisor ADA up on a
Dreamfall Chapters,The Longest Journey,инфографика,песочница
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