Michael Archangelus contra Luciferum,Michael, Archangel, Lucifer, Statue, Paris,Rendered in Vray. Music: House of the Undying - Game of Thrones End of bachelor project created at NAD. Last year I visited Paris and came across this statue located at La Fontaine Saint-Michel. Reproducing this statue was an immense learning experience and I cannot wait to experiment with others. I used modern-day proportions rather than the more stylized anatomy from this period. The software used for this piece was Zbrush and 3DsMax (simply for the base mesh of the 3 cloth parts and the Blade). The statue itself was created entirely from scratch in ZBrush. View the project in it's entirety here: http://batoriova.dunked.com/michael-archangelus-contra-lucifer
Natascha Nalewajek,concept art,Современное искусство,текстуры