Primer V2 - O Robô Ciclista,People & Blogs,Primer V2,Robô Ciclista,O Robô Ciclista Primer V2 pedala / велосипед :: вело :: слава роботам

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Primer V2 - O Robô Ciclista,People & Blogs,Primer V2,Robô Ciclista,O Robô Ciclista Primer V2 pedala como gente e mantêm o equilíbrio através de um giroscópio embutido.
слава роботам,велосипед,вело,песочница
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Robot. Underground Bicycle Parking Systems in Japan,Tech,,More info and photos of this system at

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Underground Bicycle Parking Systems in Japan,Tech,,More info and photos of this system at Too many bicycles and not enough space in Japan - so what do they do? They dig wells in the ground and build robotic