Катзилла / мульт :: котейка

котейка мульт песочница 


Catzilla,Kitteh Kitteh, Kitty Kitty, tokyoplastic, sam lanyon jones, Catzilla, kitty, cat, kitteh, kitten, animation, CG, rad, cute, short film, cute kitten, comedy, funny, funny cat,We got to work with a really great new set of people making this animation. Andy Hague helped to build one of the neatest, most comprehensible comps I have ever seen and then I really struggled to match its excellence in the remaining shots. Cheers Andy. Being a method animator Anders Freij had to spend three weeks living as a cat in order to really connect with the feline psyche; quite justifiable if you ask me as the results are magnificently authentic. And I spent three torturous months rendering and re-rendering and putting stuff on fire. Well done me. A billion thanks to everyone involved. Also I used Tyson Ibele's great building generator to create some of the buildings, (the others were built by the legendary builder Andy Lawson)... and then rebuilt them with simpler geometry but its an ace script anyway check it out.
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