Spinning RGB LED Ball II,Science & Technology,RGB,II,homemade,DIY,sphere,persistence,of,vision,display,pov,3D-spirograph,x-y,spin,rotating,LEDs,lights,light,show,motor,motors,kinetic,sculpture,three,axis,pulse,width,modulation,PWM,spinning,LED,ball,machiavellian,It's a ball of LEDs that spin, real fast. Unlike it's predecessor this one has three axes. It was very challenging to build, with a total of 9 slip-contacts, not including the motors. I made it from scrap I had laying around and it took about a week to build. I use standard DC-motors controlled with pulse width modulation, the LEDs are controlled with a modified bike light with adjustable frequency. I'm very sorry about the quality, my camera can't keep up and it makes a lot of flicker that isn't really there, and the LEDs oversaturate the image. The previous version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOPQzrA2OZ8 If anyone like to hire me, please let me know. Sadly I cant do individual custom replicas to sell. *** No schematics/plans available***
rgb,LED,Светодиодный шар,видео,video,песочница
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