Все американские флаги в фильмах Майкла Бея
Every Michael Bay American Flag,Film & Animation,Michael Bay,Transformers,13 Hours,Bad Boys,Bad Boys 2,American Flag,Dark of the moon,Supercut,The Rock,Armageddon,Pearl Harbor,The Island,Pain & Gain,Every American Flag,We all know Michael Bay loves America. Well now you get to see every single American Flag that he has placed in all 12 of his movies, from Bad Boys all the way to 13 Hours. Don't forget to follow me on twitter. http://www.Twitter.com/FrankKemp3 Special thanks to Cinemasins for the mention, I would say go follow them, but lets face it, you're here because of them already.
кино,Майкл Бей,Америка,видео,video,песочница
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