BAD HOMBRES, NASTY WOMEN (ft. "Weird Al" Yankovic),Music,donald trump,weird al yankovic,hillary / трамп :: политика (политические новости, шутки и мемы) :: клинтон :: янкович

янкович трамп клинтон ...политика 

BAD HOMBRES, NASTY WOMEN (ft. "Weird Al" Yankovic),Music,donald trump,weird al yankovic,hillary clinton,the gregory brothers,songify,auto-tune the news,nice peter,bernie sanders,gary johnson,presidential debate,president of the united states,the united states,bad hombres,nasty woman,auto-tune,schmoyoho,songify this,remix,parody,satire,news,chris wallace,The final debate between Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton opens up a wormhole to another universe that sucks "Weird Al" Yankovic through it to moderate in the key of Bb minor. All Things Weird Al: - G.Bros songs: - our IMMENSE THANKS TO NICE PETER for helping make this happen ur our hero- AND to Petra Haden for lending her inimitable, dulcet soprano - Follow our other things to see things: buy our stuff: Additional songification: Daniel Bryant: Alexander Tso: Aaron Beaumont: VFX guru: Alex ‘Muffins’ Friedman Mixing: Aaron Beaumont: Mike Onufrak: Assistant Editing: Amelia Burger - ----------- LYRICS Such a nasty woman He choked (wrong) He choked (wrong) He goes around with crocodile tears Wrong, such a nasty woman We have so many adversaries overseas Can we all agree to be frenemies? I would work with our allies in the middle east That’s the only way we’re going to keep the peace Mosul Mosul Mosul so sad so sad It’s a catastrophe so bad so bad Can everyone achieve the American Dream? Or should they sign up for my Ponzi scheme? We are going to go where the money is We are gonna help small businesses Our jobs are being sucked out of our economy, Right now our country is dying dying big league big league Why should you run the show? We’ve gotta do more Tell us cause we need to know We need to get all of the drug lords Two more weeks until we vote You’ll get shot walking to the store Who should really run the show Donald got into a twitter war For the supreme court who would you choose? Please don’t say me I’m a busy dude The supreme court it’s what it’s all about But the second amendment is under such such trauma I understand and respect gun ownership I hope the senate confirms the nominee of President Obama To stop a cold war what should we be doing? Would you go thumb wrestle Vladimir Putin? I don’t know Putin. This is not my best friend Outsmarted Hillary and she’s playing chicken. Look at the start up they signed You are willing to spout the Putin line Cyber attacks from the Kremlin Designed to influence our election Putin has a very clear favorite in this race He’d rather have a puppet as president of the united states Why should you run the show? We have horrible deals Tell us ‘cause we need to know Donald bought Chinese steel Two more weeks until we vote I should win easily Who should really run the show, the show He’s talking down our democracy It’s so dishonest I say it’s rigged She should never have been allowed to run based on what she did I see Our democracy works we’ve had free and fair elections Donald thinks things are rigged every time things are not going in his direction We have some bad bad hombres here And we’re gonna get ‘em out It’s what it’s all about Bad hombres Why should you run the show? I want to raise the minimum wage Tell us ‘cause we need to know Our country is so outplayed Two more weeks until we vote We invest from the ground up Who should really run the show, the show Our jobs are being suck sucked
янкович,трамп,клинтон,политика,политические новости, шутки и мемы
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Белые субтитры на белом фоне трудно читаются
Субтитры пользовательские, их ты сам настраивать должен
Вау, не знал. Реактор познавательный.
А еще их можно перетаскивать. Прям мышкой...
спасибо, теперь знаю!
duuude duuude 22.10.201621:06 ответить ссылка 0.1
Ну Weird Al Yankovic эт вам не хухры мухры... Предтеч всех музыкальных пародий всё ещё могёт и ещё как могет.
У него теперь ещё и с диснеем контракт и главная роль в новом мультфильме :3
время вспомнить классику
И это
на самом моем первом пк был этот шедевр
I still don't know what I'm singing!

Да, хорошо он тогда Нирвану стебанул :)
CatSup CatSup 23.10.201604:24 ответить ссылка 0.3
вот это достойно воспоминания.

Так вот откуда Маски-шоу половину гэгов спёрли)
Lakred Lakred 22.10.201613:54 ответить ссылка 0.2
Напомнило очень.
Lakred Lakred 22.10.201613:55 ответить ссылка -0.1
схожаяя сфера. а чего тогда не трампа же?

Этот чел просто охуителен, аж подпеть захотелось.
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BAD HOMBRES, NASTY WOMEN (ft. "Weird Al" Yankovic),Music,donald trump,weird al yankovic,hillary clinton,the gregory brothers,songify,auto-tune the news,nice peter,bernie sanders,gary johnson,presidential debate,president of the united states,the united states,bad hombres,nasty

"Weird Al" Yankovic Trump Clinton Странный Эл Янкович трамп клинтон песочница политоты политика,политические новости, шутки и мемы удалённое

BAD HOMBRES, NASTY WOMEN (ft. "Weird Al" Yankovic),Music,donald trump,weird al yankovic,hillary clinton,the gregory brothers,songify,auto-tune the news,nice peter,bernie sanders,gary johnson,presidential debate,president of the united states,the united states,bad hombres,nasty
BAD HOMBRES, NASTY WOMEN (ft. "Weird Al" Yankovic),Music,donald trump,weird al yankovic,hillary clinton,the gregory brothers,songify,auto-tune the news,nice peter,bernie sanders,gary johnson,presidential debate,president of the united states,the united states,bad hombres,nasty

политика,политические новости, шутки и мемы песочница политоты трамп клинтон Странный Эл Янкович удалённое

BAD HOMBRES, NASTY WOMEN (ft. "Weird Al" Yankovic),Music,donald trump,weird al yankovic,hillary clinton,the gregory brothers,songify,auto-tune the news,nice peter,bernie sanders,gary johnson,presidential debate,president of the united states,the united states,bad hombres,nasty
Финансирование кандидатов в президенты США Пять крупнейших источников финансирования Хиллари Клинтон и Дональда Трампа ХИЛЛАРИ КЛИНТОН КАНДИДАТ ДЕМОКРАТИЧЕСКОЙ ПАРТИИ 125 205 990 $ ДОНАЛЬД ТРАМП КАНДИДАТ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКОЙ ПАРТИИ 5 674 322 $ ОСНОВНЫЕ СПОНСОРЫ ОСНОВНЫЕ СПОНСОРЫ Инвестиционные

политика трамп клинтон песочница песочница политоты политика,политические новости, шутки и мемы трамп клинтон

Финансирование кандидатов в президенты США Пять крупнейших источников финансирования Хиллари Клинтон и Дональда Трампа ХИЛЛАРИ КЛИНТОН КАНДИДАТ ДЕМОКРАТИЧЕСКОЙ ПАРТИИ 125 205 990 $ ДОНАЛЬД ТРАМП КАНДИДАТ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКОЙ ПАРТИИ 5 674 322 $ ОСНОВНЫЕ СПОНСОРЫ ОСНОВНЫЕ СПОНСОРЫ Инвестиционные
Clinton vs. Trump -- Support Among Key Groups Women Men African-Americans Latinos Whites Whites w/ college degree Whites, no college degree Voters 18-34 Seniors äh DECISION *2016 NBC/WSJ poll. November 3-5.2016.

политика,политические новости, шутки и мемы трамп клинтон

Clinton vs. Trump -- Support Among Key Groups Women Men African-Americans Latinos Whites Whites w/ college degree Whites, no college degree Voters 18-34 Seniors äh DECISION *2016 NBC/WSJ poll. November 3-5.2016.