Donald Trump says billions and billions and billions,News & Politics,billions and / Trump :: billions and billions.

Trump billions and billions. удалённое 

Donald Trump says billions and billions and billions,News & Politics,billions and billions,economics,VICE,VICE Magazine,documentary,interviews,world news,breaking news,happening now,politics,war,conflict,national,international,environment,news,VICE News Tonight,HBO,VICE on HBO,VICE Money,mashup,Donald Trump,billions,vice news,Trump mashup,Trump,billion,VICE News,Donald Trump talk,Trump talk,trump supercut,supercut Donald Trump,Billions. It’s a fun word to say. Rolls right off the tongue. Go ahead, try it. “Billions.” Even more fun to say? Billions and billions. And then there’s the trifecta: billions and billions and billions. You see how easy it is to get carried away. It even happens to Donald Trump — often. Here’s a video of him saying the word billions. And billions. And billions and billions and… you get the idea. Note: The clips were sourced from as early as 1987 up until the present day. While some clips come from the same appearance, there are no repeated clips in the video. Watch Donald Trump say "bing" here: Subscribe to VICE News here: Check out VICE News for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram: More videos from the VICE network:
Trump,billions and billions.,удалённое
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