□ Spur. □ lt«ly ■ Franc* Britain Oerminy Portugal Belgium C Anonymous 05/30/18(Wed)15:18:05 No.770101768 Green text story >Go to bar >Modern Jukebox in corner > Start to browse >See Africa by Toto >Put in 500$ >50 cents per song >Select Africa 1000 times >Takes a minute >People start to stare > Leave bar >Africa is 4 minutes 30 seconds >100 plays = 75 hours >Retum a couple days later- at hour 48 >Afnca is still playing >1 set down and order a drink >Partons look miserable >Bar staff is irritable >An hour goes by >Finally the bar owner emerges from the back funous >Starts trying to unplug machine >Can't- too heavy and its plugged in via extension chord behind the wall >Patrons try to help >A!I the patrons except me >1 say "it's a good song" and immediately some black dude screams "shut the fuck up” >Still cannot unplug >You could say "it's something 100 men could never do" >Patrons and owner are funous still and getting more angry >Owner picks up chair and starts to beat machine >Machine starts playing "rains in Africa" on repeat >Everyone is now loosing their shit >They continue to attack Jukebox for 45 minutes >Someone gets a shovel from god knows where >Machine is finally broken >Everyone cheers >Bar is dead quiet now >Leave >Come back a month later (yesterday) >New Jukebox >This time I double down >Select "Never gonna give you up” 1000 times >Leave >1 shall return in 2 days ►
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