Update от Marvin'a Seo: он продолжает работу над Dungeon Mod - Sunken City
"Hey everyone, just wanted to give a quick update on the Sunken City, the dungeon mod I've been working on for a little over a year now. Despite radio silence, it's still being worked on actively and I'm hoping to be able to get it fully completed and released some time this year. This is a very ambitious mod and to give you an idea of its scope, here's a sheet of all the monsters being added as part of the mod(many of which are still very WIP). I want to focus my efforts as much as I can on completing this mod, so it's unlikely that I'll be releasing any other mods until its release. Hopefully the final product will be worth the wait!"
Descendants of on ancient evil (ЖЙЬл V ч/ » ' . "У y . \ я ж Â \lSJ;Â (тй чшп ут!Zs ч i у
Darkest Dungeon mods,Darkest Dungeon,Игры,Marvin Seo
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Но нет, никто не делал. Только есть мод на загрузочный скрин и еще некоторую фигню... Ну, считать его таким зимным модом точно нельзя. Winter Wonderland Supplement.