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красивые картинки art Fantasy KypcaHT под катом еще длиннопост без перевода 

Maguss book

красивые картинки,art,арт,Fantasy,Fantasy art,Alexey Yakovlev,под катом еще,длиннопост,без перевода,KypcaHT,,art,fantasy,KypcaHT,long post

MAGUSS.ORG,красивые картинки,art,арт,Fantasy,Fantasy art,Alexey Yakovlev,под катом еще,длиннопост,без перевода,KypcaHT,,art,fantasy,KypcaHT,long post


(jQorn-out Headband
Just a cloth bandana with a single mind rune inscribed on it. Barely protects your head as it is. Improves Concentration.
otvC	\i£-e.
~-v- v/SeA i-V -Vo VoUY'V\javJ-e.-V lOOVj*\C


jvictguss: E handbook to the )V[agical Hrts
<3^-------	•--
be Hdversarv
In the early days of humanity, mages congregated in the ancient city of Mari, where the greatest natural tear in the Veil provided abundant magic for all. Here the wizard rulers established the first mage organization known


H Derbologist's Diary
The writer distilled all their experience into the book, but curiously left out their own name. This is a classic sought after by collectors everywhere. Provides an additional 5% Herblore XP for all activities that raise Herblore XP.
practical potions

Che f ae
Not a coven of wizards, but a nation of Faerie Folk who reside across the Veil in the Otherworld. The Fae were long masters of magic before the wizards came along. Thus far, an uneasy peace has reigned between the wizards and the Faerie, but without a doubt neither side

]VIagu8S! H Randbooh to the JVIagical Hrts
MAGUSS.ORG,красивые картинки,art,арт,Fantasy,Fantasy art,Alexey Yakovlev,под катом еще,длиннопост,без перевода,KypcaHT,,art,fantasy,KypcaHT,long post

красивые картинки,art,арт,Fantasy,Fantasy art,Alexey Yakovlev,под катом еще,длиннопост,без перевода,KypcaHT,,art,fantasy,KypcaHT,long post

\ o-V^\
Sometimes guile is all the charm you need. This spell's power is multiplied by the number of unused spell slots between you and your opponent this cycle.
Remember, if no empty slots, Trick does no damage.
‘5-V'r^-Y-e.^iA 'c-e&oi'c-e.X.

JVIagic Hrrow

MAGUSS.ORG,красивые картинки,art,арт,Fantasy,Fantasy art,Alexey Yakovlev,под катом еще,длиннопост,без перевода,KypcaHT,,art,fantasy,KypcaHT,long post

JVIagusst E Randbooh to the jMagical Hrts
When tainted magic entered the Earth through man-made Tears, it changed more than just people-it altered plants and animal kingdom alike. A frail balance has been disturbed. Not all affected by this power incited chaos, but some

]VIaguss! H Rctndbooh to the [Magical Hrts
Without question, no Faerie can compare to the beauty of the nymphs. They live in nature, in springs, trees, meadows, and clouds. They have the ability to lure men to their hypnotic voices. As the story goes, a

Dark Shade
Plaguebearers. They flit from shadow to shadow, a shape that you see from the corner of your eye. When the Black Plague erupted across the world, many wizards joined to help stem the disease and find a cure. Thousands lost their lives in the battle, and the Ebon Dawn took

jvictguss: E handbook to the )V[agical Hrts
<3^-----	•--
What happens when an Ebony Dawn cult-ist reaches archmage status? They turn into these creatures. Necromancers are undead wizards who can create and command the undead. Their immense magical ability in the Dark Arts makes


equipment Headgear (jQorn-out Headband (TIER!) Just a cloth bandana with a single mind rune inscribed on it. Barely protects your head as it is. Improves Concentration. otvC \i£-e. ~-v- v/SeA i-V -Vo VoUY'V\javJ-e.-V lOOVj*\C ®Ayuss MAGUSS.ORG
jvictguss: E handbook to the )V[agical Hrts <3^------- •-- be Hdversarv In the early days of humanity, mages congregated in the ancient city of Mari, where the greatest natural tear in the Veil provided abundant magic for all. Here the wizard rulers established the first mage organization known as the Blessed Circle. Hidden from non-magical folk, the Circle aimed to promote peace, arcane knowledge, and the wizard's way of life. However, after much research and experimentation, a curious few discovered a way to create unnatural Tears. Seizing the opportunity to have their own sources of energy, they constructed fortresses around each Tear, establishing vast territories. A once sacred power fell into the hands of the masses. The violent creation of these artificial Tears tainted the energy flowing through them. Dagor's essence responded to the wizards' greed, altering our side's flora and fauna into a vast array of magical creatures. Confused by their changed forms and feeling threatened by wizardkind, these creatures ran rampant across the land, inciting chaos and destruction. The Blessed Circle saw they needed to act and thus elected a general-Talin Solam, honor guard of the Circle, one of the greatests warlocks of his age. Leading a powerful army, Solam captured and tamed many of the altered ®A$uss MAGUSS.ORG
equipment H Derbologist's Diary The writer distilled all their experience into the book, but curiously left out their own name. This is a classic sought after by collectors everywhere. Provides an additional 5% Herblore XP for all activities that raise Herblore XP. practical potions Written by famous alchemist Orion Crane, this tome provides an exhaustive study of various ingredients and their applications. Once in your possession, you gain an additional 5% experience for all activities that raise Brewing XP. ®Ayuss MAGUSS.ORG
Chronicles Che f ae Not a coven of wizards, but a nation of Faerie Folk who reside across the Veil in the Otherworld. The Fae were long masters of magic before the wizards came along. Thus far, an uneasy peace has reigned between the wizards and the Faerie, but without a doubt neither side trusts the other. The Fae aim to spread magical flora and fauna across the mundane world in order to increase their influence. Meanwhile, wizards seek to limit and control the behavior of creatures which wander from the other side of the Veil into the mundane world. Clearly, the animosity is brewing (sorry for the pun). ■gES»- ®A$uss MAGUSS.ORG
-<ф-— ]VIagu8S! H Randbooh to the JVIagical Hrts ®AÇUSS MAGUSS.ORG

Spellcraft \ o-V^\ orccrv Crick Sometimes guile is all the charm you need. This spell's power is multiplied by the number of unused spell slots between you and your opponent this cycle. Remember, if no empty slots, Trick does no damage. ‘5-V'r^-Y-e.^iA 'c-e&oi'c-e.X. JVIagic Hrrow Sends a bolt of pure energy sizzling towards your foe. Simple. Direct. Classic. ®Ayuss MAGUSS.ORG
-*a|K•------ JVIagusst E Randbooh to the jMagical Hrts Creatures When tainted magic entered the Earth through man-made Tears, it changed more than just people-it altered plants and animal kingdom alike. A frail balance has been disturbed. Not all affected by this power incited chaos, but some went completely berserk - the magic was too much to handle for their simple minds. Thus, while some magical creatures will be hostile towards mages who encroach on their territory, they can prove helpful to those they perceive as allies. You better figure out quick which you can trust. When confronting hostile creatures, your primary task as a mage is to banish them with your magic. This discorporates the magical creatures physical form and sends their essence back through the Veil. Inevitably they will return, but not for some time. *>■ ®A$uss MAGUSS.ORG
-egtr------ ]VIaguss! H Rctndbooh to the [Magical Hrts --------------■— |N?mpb Without question, no Faerie can compare to the beauty of the nymphs. They live in nature, in springs, trees, meadows, and clouds. They have the ability to lure men to their hypnotic voices. As the story goes, a farmer once stole the raiments of the goddess Epona as she bathed in the river. In response, she charged the nymphs to lure men to their deaths until the return of the holy robes. Nymphs have been our enemies since then. That said, stories abound of nymphs falling in love with and aiding virtuous heroes. , Drops: Holly „ Favorite Spell: Safe Space , Hint: A capable healer, so use Numbness or Fairy Fire to counter it. Créant The Tree Herder, also called Forest Giant. These are ancient living beings that came to life with the magic of the Veil. They do not take kindly to their trees being cut and will attack despoilers on sight. Treants are notorious for thinking and speaking slowly, as evidenced by the hero Archimedes, who once escaped a treants clutches by telling it a riddle, which took the creature two days to solve. , Drops: Holly 0 Favorite Spell: Giant's Strength 0 Hint: Debuff its high natural Defense with Astral Body spell. TW\ 6-Y^or-Y iaj2X-V uae-ei^. ©AÇÜSS MAGUSS.ORG
 Bestiary Dark Shade Plaguebearers. They flit from shadow to shadow, a shape that you see from the corner of your eye. When the Black Plague erupted across the world, many wizards joined to help stem the disease and find a cure. Thousands lost their lives in the battle, and the Ebon Dawn took advantage. They corrupted the souls of the lost mages into dark shades, loathsome creatures that spread sickness wherever they walk. , Drops: Titanium , Favorite Spell: Cloudkill „ Hint: Cloudkill is its only attack. Use Steal if you can to prevent taking damage. ®A$uss MAGUSS.ORG
jvictguss: E handbook to the )V[agical Hrts <3^----- •-- jVecromcmcer What happens when an Ebony Dawn cult-ist reaches archmage status? They turn into these creatures. Necromancers are undead wizards who can create and command the undead. Their immense magical ability in the Dark Arts makes them a nightmare for all true mages. , Drops: Soul , Favorite Spell: Grace , Hint: Numbness works well against its healing spell. Defend against its Solar Spear. —•--- ®A$uss MAGUSS.ORG
красивые картинки,art,арт,Fantasy,Fantasy art,Alexey Yakovlev,под катом еще,длиннопост,без перевода,KypcaHT,,art,fantasy,KypcaHT,long post
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Алсо. Кто нибудь знает о чем то на подобии книги-сувенира, написанной в подобной стилистике? Типа фентезийной энциклопедии с описаниями существ, заклинаний и всего такого?
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нащвание прям в тегах и на обложке артбука. Maguss.
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О как, раньше меня выложил ). Будьте добры, добавьте тогда тем KypcaHT еще, я под ним здесь выкладываюсь.
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