Moat swirrwcir co:ant procn: much of an opportunity to show off the kind of self styled, personal £air tKct rrakec up a treaccettcr c particular look. And Tori Praver, a Hsv^aiun-som rr.odtl (and Sport« Illustrated S.vimsuit Iituc alura), think« thar's 3 rfam-i sharr«* By introducing nxrrernslke u Bslinwe harik :o he* colhction this scissn. she’s hoping to inspire some creativity. 'It's ab:>ut different lypes cf w>m:n being able to mix an-i mtch pieccs so that they work for them is individuals," says Praver. And what exactly dixs it hi ha? A L-lac*. l>*ud:i.u tup paired <vUli uut dml bjdUUlS t lUl VtC SUSJJCt.1 Chloe Scv^aj wuulid be down with, too. tenp'ownvjimweerxem Tori PfBvcr "iicuy DoruJwj' »f\ $95, 0*«y Bottom’. *55. tV<y>!cr#tkk«(Xfr, Viruge t(0L6€. stylists o*n
Анна Кристин Спекхарт,Anna Christine Speckhart,auto
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