баянометр молчал,
вроде не политота
вроде не политота
First artificial satellite First animal in space First photographs of the far side of the Moon Sputnik 1 1957-10-04 Laika 1957-11-03 <fa* à Luna 3 1959-10-06 First person in space Wirt Gagarin 1961 04-12 First woman in space Valentina Tereshkova 1963-06-16 First spacewalk SL Alexei Leonov 196503-18 it & First spacecraft landing on the Moon Luna 9 1966 02-03 k First person on the Moon •a . gÉ Nell Armstrong 1969 07-20 First spacecraft landing on another planet (Venus) m- Venera 7 1970-12-15 it £ First space station Salyut 1 1971-04-19 it £ First spacecraft landing on Mars 4L A Mars 3 % 1971-12-02 ,y jm- £ \ Winner of the space race 1;, flj ‘ ft:
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