V IRV ftvft @_tokabowl_ when you need art advice / Bob Ross :: боб росс (Bob Ross) :: public figures :: Общественные деятели :: pun intended :: celebrities :: приколы для образованных даунов со знанием английского :: Знаменитости
IRV ftvft
when you need art advice
боб росс,Bob Ross,Общественные деятели,Знаменитости,приколы для образованных даунов со знанием английского,удалённое,Bob Ross,public figures,celebrities,pun intended
"Out of the over 400 episodes he did for his Joy of Painting series he never collected a salary. "This is PBS" he said "all the shows are done for free." And although he received over 200 fan letters a day, he read them all. When regular letter writers fell out of touch, he called them to just ma