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Fintet the brave Falcon A Ranger, Finist is nimble, quick, and a master of disguise. Finist has unique skills and can access Hunter or Assassin specializations. This character has a loyal friend and ally — a falcon. This bird of prey helps Finist just like Vasilisa's doll, warning of danger and notifying the player of valuable finds. \ o\
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Vasilisa the Beau+iPul Dexterous and quick, she belongs to the Ranger class. Players will gain access to unique skills if choosing Vasilisa as their character. Later, players can choose the Hunter or Assassin specializations. Vasilisa carries a doll that helps players and shows enemies and resources on the minimap. magic doll
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Alexey Popovich Part of the Mage class, he is a wise old man whose power comes from the Gods. Alexey can access Healer or Necromancer specializations at a higher level.
Maria MorYevna A beautiful and wise female Warrior and queen. She can accomplish impossible feats and fight on the same level as any man. ■mm
Likho is a personification of an unfortunate fate. It steals all happy feelings, and traps them in its locket. Likho may be nearly blind, but it is hard to escape this demon because it has a strong sense of smell, exceptional hearing, and is speedy.
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Sirin is a bird of paradise with a woman's head, as in old Russian mythology. The bird wears the woman's head as a mask, and wraps itself in its wings to disguise itself as a human. ^ //Æ i/M/iUm \A vl ■r B № 7-^Bt 'U l* jW.. |||| ^B ^ ¿mB Ff ^W BÊ^BB S fIB f J /r Am/B Vull iii 'flr wjm //» B \v I mI\ ir i Vi y] il ■ r 1 \1 ■9 * S T U □ I □
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Bolotnik (Swamp jWaii) Bolotnik is an evil demon living in the depths of a swamp. A dangerous and aggressive creature, he rarely leaves his habitat. He wears skulls on his neck that once belonged to lost travelers and brave warriors who sought glory in destroying monsters. f OWL Ikisr 5 T U □ I □
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An undead corpse who has risen from the grave, after falling victim to a curse. Usually ghouls inhabit graveyards and don't leave their graves. However, they have been known to go into forests or even visit a settlement. There, they hide in dark places untouched by sunlight, and only come out to hunt after sunset. I
красивые картинки,art,арт,Игры,под катом еще,длиннопост,Тёмное фэнтези,Fantasy,Fantasy art,славянская мифология,концепт-арт,концепт,лихо,сирин,гуль,болотник,василиса прекрасная,Алеша Попович,русские сказки,OWL Studio
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Правда дабы продать такое буграм, нужно будет сделать на уровне Ведьмака 3 как по графону, так и по содержания... а у нас такое нереально ибо на кикстартере такие суммы ноунеймы не соберут, а вкладываться из инвесторов ни кто не будет, когда проще вложиться в мобильную дрочильню.
П.С. Впрочем возможно это я уже зажрался)