NPR Music :: Gogol Bordello :: музыка

музыка NPR Music Gogol Bordello 

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Gogol Bordello: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert From The Archives,Music,NPR,NPR Music,National Public Radio,Live,Performance,tiny desk,tiny desk concert,tony desk,tiny concert,We've been filming Tiny Desk concerts for more than 10 years. While revisiting our archives, we discovered that some of our earliest concerts never made it to YouTube! Watch Gogol Bordello’s Tiny Desk concert from 2010: Stephen Thompson | June 28, 2010 If you watch this video and don't get to the part where Eugene Hutz is dancing on the desks, then you've missed the most rollicking and insane Tiny Desk Concert of all time. I've seen Gogol Bordello at a nightclub, and its live show is a gypsy punk circus, complete with a high-wire act. So when the band arrived at the modest NPR Music offices, I wanted to make sure we were covered technically; I figured they'd move around and wind up singing far away from our microphones. I asked Sergey Ryabtsev — Gogol Bordello's Russian-born violinist — if he thought bandleader Eugene Hutz might wind up dancing on my desk. With a huge smile and a large shot glass of vodka in hand, he said, "Don't worry about it!" By the third song, Hutz was sitting with the NPR crew in an office chair, singing his ode to alcohol. By the fourth, he was jumping from desktop to desktop, singing and dancing. Gogol Bordello is based in New York City, and has been performing its theatrical concoction of accordion, violin and guitar since the late '90s. The band writes songs about immigration and the celebration of cultural differences. Now, for 2010, Gogol Bordello has its fifth album out — its first on a major label. Producer Rick Rubin, known for his Johnny Cash production and for co-founding Def Jam Records, helped make Trans-Continental Hustle. It's an album with more range than sheer thrust, and though the band played a few songs from that album at the desk, when Gogol Bordello is in front of a crowd, it's in full-throttle mode. No complaints there. Set List: "Immigraniada (We're Comin' Rougher)" "My Compenjara" "Alcohol" "Pala Tute" "Start Wearing Purple"
музыка,NPR Music,Gogol Bordello
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Бодренько. Чем то квартирники напоминает.
Только это похоже, больше офисник.
KIBARG KIBARG 05.07.202020:11 ответить ссылка 2.3
Ребята жгут, а вот публика тугая.
Всегда было интересно - он прикалывается ради образа, или у него действительно такой дикий акцент.
послушай как он между песнями говорит. нормальный английский у евгена.
narsus narsus 05.07.202020:36 ответить ссылка 1.8
А. То есть мне не показалось? А можно поподробнее об этих ребятах. Гуглить в падлу. да и некогда.
А всё, не надо.Нашел.
вот, что называют русский акцент.
Imebal Imebal 05.07.202020:19 ответить ссылка 2.1
До чего ж стремный и неуместный мат, блядь
Наконец-то настоящий кукуруза вернулся)
Кажется я начинаю понимать, зачем раньше на Руси на праздники звали цыган. Музыка непонятная, слов не разобрать но очень весело и задорно.
z10dey z10dey 05.07.202023:10 ответить ссылка 0.1
А скрипач похож на Фредди Крюггера
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Gogol Bordello - "Wonderlust King" (official video),Music,,Wonderlust King by Gogol Bordello
(c) 2007 Side One Dummy

Click the following link to download Gogol Borello's album, "Super Taranta!"

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музыка Gogol Bordello весна пришла удалённое

Gogol Bordello - "Wonderlust King" (official video),Music,,Wonderlust King by Gogol Bordello (c) 2007 Side One Dummy Click the following link to download Gogol Borello's album, "Super Taranta!" Visit our website: Click here to subscribe: