THE RELATIVE SIZE OF PARTICLES From the COVID-19 pandemic to the U.S. West Coast wildfires, some of the biggest threats now are also the most microscopic. A particle needs to be 10 microns (pm) or less before it can be inhaled into your respiratory tract. But just how small are these specks? Here's a look at the relative sizes of some familiar particles a Pollen can trigger allergic reactions and hay fever—which 1 in 5 Americans experience every year. Source: Harvard Health RESPIRATORY DROPLETS The visibility limits for what the naked eye can see hovers around 10-40pm. Respiratory droplets have the potential to carry smaller particles within them, such as dust or COVID-19. Wildfire smoke can persist in the air for several days, and even months. SOURCES ClenrsUeam. Daniel Loverbey. EPA. Financial T«nes. News Medical. Soence Olrect. SCMP. Susan Sokolowskl. PeUoclear. U.S. Dept. Of Energy COLLABORATORS RESEARCH ♦ WRITING airmen Ang. Iman Ghosh l DESIGN * ART DIRECTION Harrison Schell 0) idJvisualcap visualcapitalist.com /visualcapitalist
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