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Обама,Барак Обама,личное

Обама,Барак Обама,личное
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Комментарии 1 03.10.201217:10 ссылка -0.1
Как эта фотожаба расползлась)
MrKubik MrKubik 03.10.201220:28 ответить ссылка 0.0
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f .^^L J.	IVn going to take a picture of my firstborn and use age progression
■■■П software to figure out *ftat hcii look like when he's 16 men rm going to frame the picture and keep к as a centerpiece in our house, something hen grow up looking at Then when the appropriate time comes, and he real

Обама,Барак Обама

f .^^L J. IVn going to take a picture of my firstborn and use age progression ■■■П software to figure out *ftat hcii look like when he's 16 men rm going to frame the picture and keep к as a centerpiece in our house, something hen grow up looking at Then when the appropriate time comes, and he real
Barack FEVER!
Pull his ears, and in a slurping voice, he will say
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and lose your juice when he says “I will pursue war crime charges aga

личное Обама,Барак Обама

Barack FEVER! Pull his ears, and in a slurping voice, he will say “I vow to redistribute wealth to the least deserving!” "I will dismantle the imperialistic war machine!!” “All health matters will funnel through Washington!!!" and lose your juice when he says “I will pursue war crime charges aga