В сиднейском зоопарке лирохвост научился идеально имитировать плач младенца.
Как говорят смотрители зоопарка, птица начала издавать эти звуки около года назад, и довела умение до совершенства, тренируясь, пока зоопарк был закрыт из-за пандемии.https://nat-geo.ru/nature/birds/lirohvost-idealno-imitiruet-plach-mladenca-video/
Lyrebird in Australia perfectly mimics crying baby,Pets & Animals,2021,au,australia,australian lyrebird,baby,baby crying,bird,bird baby,bird copies baby,bird cries like baby,bird crying,bird crying like baby,bird mimicry,bird song,bird song crying baby,birds,birdsong,crying,crying baby,echo,environment,gdnpfpenvironment,gdnpfpnewsau,gdnpfpnewsworld,guardian,lyrebird,lyrebird baby,lyrebird copies baby,lyrebird cries like baby,lyrebird crying,lyrebird crying baby,lyrebirds,news,taronga zoo,world,zoo,Not many birds can compare to the vocal range of the Australian lyrebird, and Taronga Zoo's lyrebird, Echo, is no exception. The zoo says Echo has the ability to replicate a variety of calls, but its perfect impersonation of a crying baby is perhaps not the pleasant day at the zoo parents would be hoping for Subscribe to Guardian Australia on YouTube and hit the bell to see new videos ► http://bit.ly/gdnaustraliasubs Taronga zoo lyrebird perfectly mimics the ear-splitting wail of a crying baby ► https://theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/02/targona-zoo-lyrebird-perfectly-mimics-the-ear-splitting-wail-of-a-crying-baby?CMP=gdnaus_yt Australian bird of the year 2021: a look at some of the early contenders ► https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/aug/26/australian-bird-of-the-year-2021-a-look-at-some-of-the-early-contenders?CMP=gdnaus_yt Support the Guardian ► https://support.theguardian.com/contribute Website ► https://theguardian.com/au Facebook ► https://facebook.com/theguardianaustralia Instagram ► https://instagram.com/guardianaustralia Twitter ► https://twitter.com/GuardianAus TikTok ► https://tiktok.com/@guardianaustralia LinkedIn ► https://linkedin.com/company/guardianaustralia
лирохвост,зоопарк,птица,плачь младенца
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