Нет, это вообще про другое. Это Глем метал 80ых. Тогда было модно так выглядеть. Квины играли баб. А эти просто так вычурно одевались чтобы вычурно одеваться. Потому что мы точно не как все
Ди Снайдер очень крутой.
Какбе вы видите, как он выглядит, и какую музыку играет, а он при все при этом еще и написал на удивление годную книжку по психологии для свежевылупившихся подростков.
Я читал ее сильно позже и сейчас охренел, что он написал ее ещё в 80-х.
А ещё погугли и узнал, как охренел сам Снайдер, когда узнал, что дети в далёком СССР запоем читают его книгу: "Cut to years later, I hear reports that in the Soviet Union, they're releasing my book in installments. They translated it into the only Soviet-run teen magazine as installments in the '90s now, and kids in Russia are reading the Teenage Survival Guide. I thought it was bullshit, but I had people who went over to the Soviet Union and said, 'Dee, they're using your book in classrooms.' So, after the walls comes down, I get contacted to publish a Russian version, which they did. Then one day I get a call from the Moscow Times asking me how it feels to know that every Russian child grows up reading Dee Snider's Teenage Survival Guide. It's insane. So, if you go online and look for the Teenage Survival Guide, copies are going for hundreds and hundreds of dollars. You can't get them. And there are comments from people who have emigrated here, saying, 'I read this book when I was in the Ukraine', 'I read this book when I was in Czechoslovakia, and it helped me, and I'm trying to find a copy for my child.' And people in America who did read the book, because it was in libraries and stuff, I've had people walk up to me on the street every now and then and just go 'Your book saved me....' because I talked about depression, I talked about suicide, I talked about death, I talked about divorce, I talked about masturbation, I talked about sex, I talked about not having sex, I talked about STDs. I talked about everything, just like straight talk."
Вот то чувство, когда натыкаешься на книгу, которая в свое время помогла бы сделать жизнь сильно проще, но в детстве заставляли читать всякую хуетень про барышень и раскольниковых, а про реально годные книжки оставались за бортом.
We ain't gonna take it!
Какбе вы видите, как он выглядит, и какую музыку играет, а он при все при этом еще и написал на удивление годную книжку по психологии для свежевылупившихся подростков.
А ещё погугли и узнал, как охренел сам Снайдер, когда узнал, что дети в далёком СССР запоем читают его книгу: "Cut to years later, I hear reports that in the Soviet Union, they're releasing my book in installments. They translated it into the only Soviet-run teen magazine as installments in the '90s now, and kids in Russia are reading the Teenage Survival Guide. I thought it was bullshit, but I had people who went over to the Soviet Union and said, 'Dee, they're using your book in classrooms.' So, after the walls comes down, I get contacted to publish a Russian version, which they did. Then one day I get a call from the Moscow Times asking me how it feels to know that every Russian child grows up reading Dee Snider's Teenage Survival Guide. It's insane. So, if you go online and look for the Teenage Survival Guide, copies are going for hundreds and hundreds of dollars. You can't get them. And there are comments from people who have emigrated here, saying, 'I read this book when I was in the Ukraine', 'I read this book when I was in Czechoslovakia, and it helped me, and I'm trying to find a copy for my child.' And people in America who did read the book, because it was in libraries and stuff, I've had people walk up to me on the street every now and then and just go 'Your book saved me....' because I talked about depression, I talked about suicide, I talked about death, I talked about divorce, I talked about masturbation, I talked about sex, I talked about not having sex, I talked about STDs. I talked about everything, just like straight talk."