Жители твиттера экспрессивно критикуют любителей NFT.
savannah @glickowings •> Aiden 9ß @SayYesToDepress dillydo fyr @dillyboyo Replying to @adriantom25 NFTbros when i murder their whole family line and minted pictures of their corpse on the blockchain for 1ETH Sep @SeptemberRains People being able to have NFT profile pictures DRASTICALLY shortens the amount of time until I tell someone to kill themselves on this app It gets more and more frustrating to not seek out and violently murder NFT bros * . Zach White @White Xan deltaswap kris @RedDressedDemon № Replying to @bouncy_prince If you Invest In an NFT I will kill you im gonna send death threats to anyone who has an nft profile picture \ Nubster @boi_nubby • 1d » à I wish all nft bros a fine YOU SHOULD KILL YOURSELF NOW! O El Ü 5 f9f jupiter V @torchwoodsoho • 4d rt to instantly kill all nft bros Q El 3 C9 5 it, Rongardo Shavemybody @Rongar... 4d ••• Serious question: is it morally acceptable to tell NFT bros to kill themselves? O 2 El V 1 iii # If you have an NFT kill yourself Mid @ManMadeSfSex 0% Suto @McSuto ■ Dec 17, 2021 I want to kill every nft person. You will die by my hand. Youre purpose and existence is nothing. ’i Cawfee A 'Wnff @WhoWantsCawfee Replying to @Whisper_Foxx I think NFT supporters should promptly delete their NFTs, dump their life savings into environmental charities then kill themselves shortly after 2:16 PM • 1/20/22 • Twitter Web App Q U O .E Whisper Fox @Whisper_Foxx • 1/20/22 Replying to @WhoWantsCawfee Yes to everything but killing themselves O 1 IT O 1 ¿L Cawfee A @WhoWantsCaw... ■ 1/20/22 no they need to become compost for the trees O tl C? ill Me @juicygoof ■ 12/15/21 Fighting the urge to send death threats to NFT bros Q IT V £ Iron (iron) @lronHatesYou -11/13/21 Nft crypto bros when i fucking maul them to death tl 0 2 £ <9 nanuser « @nanuser Q 1 frogunderaleaf @frogunderaleaf Replying to @geccom3 Nice, now twitter does us the favor to lets us know who "right clicked" an NFT and put it in their profile picture ironically, and who we should bully and harass until they kill themselves! Axel the Cringenerd @AxelGaynerd monthly reminder that it's cool to send NFT bros death threats Send death threats to nft people Gabs @PaintyPaints - Sep 8, 2021 List of people i want to kill someday: Plez and Loi @PlezLolThax Replying to @leafy_is_alive and @NostalgicVG [4 jiho Is not ready for 2022 W @JiHoDraws see this is why you should be able to tell people to kill themselves cuz this dude and so many others (nft people) need reminders dying artist @f117lionhart any NFT enthusiast should kill themselves. Carlos ^Endwalked @Pikachu231 FUCKING GOD DAMNIT I WANT ALL NFT AND CRPYTO BROS TO FUCKING DIE IN A FUCKING SEA OF FIRE YOU ALL DESERVE THE FUCKING WORST KIND OF CRUEL PUNISHMENT AND SHOULD BE SENTENCED TO IT FOR THE NEXT THOUSAND FUCKING EONS FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu UUUUUUCK nftbros when i open their ribcage and rip out their organs Animatronic Wolf Sienna A (Debu. m @SiennatheWolf Okay, it’s time for this NFT SCAM to come to an end. They’re selling accounts of real people as NFTs and are now targeting the VTuber community. For all crypto/NFTbros out there, I hope you all die horrible deaths one day, but before that, lose everything and everyone you love. I hope all nft bros die a horrible horrible death, not even /j I hope they get their genitals crushed by a hydraulic press ex oomf jen @weyesblood wishing death on all NFT bros tonight Jfr. Melone's oviposition fetish @lizardstab I think it should be encouraged to send death threats to nft people and crypto bros the besttransphobe on earth @AcropolisBoy can nft people like actually fucking kill themselves ti Cawfee A ;Vjg.f @WhoWantsCawfee Replying to @Whisper_Foxx I think NFT supporters should promptly delete their NFTs, dump their life savings into environmental charities then kill themselves shortly after " @shroomgazer also why make an NFT when you could just kill yourself #
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