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Primitive Technology: Smelting Iron In Brick Furnaces,Science & Technology,primitive,technology,brick,primitive technology,making bricks,brick mold,clay bricks,bricks primitive technology,primitive technology bricks,iron,iron furnace,smelting,smelt,smelting iron,primitive technology iron,iron primitive technology,prim tech,primitive tech,smelting furnace,smelting iron ore,iron ore,charcoal,brick furnace,bricks,furnace,furnaces,smelting iron in furnace,iron smelting,fire brick,clay brick,bricks made from clay,Primitive Technology: Smelting Iron In Brick Furnaces Subscribe: http://bit.ly/subPT | Never miss a video! Enable ‘ALL’ Notifications! Watch my newest content: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGnWLXjIDnpBR4xqf3FO-xFFwE-ucq4Fj&playnext=1&index=2 Follow Primitive Technology: Wordpress: https://primitivetechnology.wordpress.com/ Patreon: https://patreon.com/user?u=2945881 Watch More Primitive Technology: Newest Uploads: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGnWLXjIDnpBR4xqf3FO-xFFwE-ucq4Fj&playnext=1&index=2 Pyrotechnology: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGnWLXjIDnpBVRqu5lz5JGaQxjPs7q3CJ&playnext=1&index=2 Shelter: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGnWLXjIDnpBBsdKZb-vy30o88SIxItp2&playnext=1&index=2 Weapons: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGnWLXjIDnpA-XGDrrmVgBnSXx15i2Awp&playnext=1&index=2 Popular Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGnWLXjIDnpAb29Lrdki5BPjTpMon8zla&playnext=1&index=2 About This Video: I made 3 furnaces from bricks using different configurations to test their effectiveness. The benefit of using bricks to make a furnace is that it's quicker, easier, re-useable and portable relative to a furnace constructed in-situ from clay. This is because the old furnaces crack and need repairs where as the brick ones can be assembled and re-assembled with any broken bricks being swapped out as necessary. Also, the shape and height of the furnace is easily changed by adding/subtracting or re-arranging bricks. The first furnace used a square plan with the bricks laid on their sides with a inner cross section of 18 cm square. A 2.5 cm diameter tuyere was used and about 15 g of iron was made. The second furnace was the same but used a 5 cm diameter tuyere. It made about the same amount of iron. The 3rd furnace was a haexagonal plan furnace with a diameter of about 22 cm. The bricks were laid on their ends for this type. The smelt yielded the same as the square ones for the same input of ore, charcoal and effort. I'll probably stick to using the square design made from bricks in future. Things I may try later would be to increase the height of the furnace by adding more brick layers. I'd put in all the charcoal and ore for the smelt after preheating. Then I'd be able to operate the smelt without the interruption of needing to charge the furnace every 5 minutes with ore and charcoal. In conclusion, bricks make a useful furnace in a shorter time and with less difficulty than in situ made furnaces, are re-useable and can be disassembled and rebuilt in various locations if needed while the bricks can be stored out of the way when not in use. About Primitive Technology: Primitive technology is a hobby where you build things in the wild completely from scratch using no modern tools or materials. These are the strict rules: If you want a fire, use a fire stick - An axe, pick up a stone and shape it - A hut, build one from trees, mud, rocks etc. The challenge is seeing how far you can go without utilizing modern technology. I do not live in the wild, but enjoy building shelter, tools, and more, only utilizing natural materials. To find specific videos, visit my playlist tab for building videos focused on pyrotechnology, shelter, weapons, food & agriculture, tools & machines, and weaving & fiber.If you want a fire, use a fire stick - An axe, pick up a stone and shape it - A hut, build one from trees, mud, rocks etc. The challenge is seeing how far you can go without utilizing modern technology. I do not live in the wild, but enjoy building shelter, tools, and more, only utilizing natural materials. To find specific videos, visit my playlist tab for building videos focused on pyrotechnology, shelter, weapons, food & agriculture, tools & machines, and weaving & fiber.If you want a fire, use a fire stick - An axe, pick up a stone and shape it - A hut, build one from trees, mud, rocks etc. The challenge is seeing how far you can go without utilizing modern technology. I do not live in the wild, but enjoy building shelter, tools, and more, only utilizing natural materials. To find specific videos, visit my playlist tab for building videos focused on pyrotechnology, shelter, weapons, food & agriculture, tools & machines, and weaving & fiber.visit my playlist tab for building videos focused on pyrotechnology, shelter, weapons, food & agriculture, tools & machines, and weaving & fiber.visit my playlist tab for building videos focused on pyrotechnology, shelter, weapons, food & agriculture, tools & machines, and weaving & fiber. #PrimitiveTechnology #iron #bricks
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Ты ошибаешься. Вот ссылка на сравнение железного меча и бронзового. Бронзовый именно что смялся, тогда как железному почти ничего. Более того, когда парировали бронзовым мечом, то на нём осталась вмятина от железного. Так что бронза мнется, а не скалывается.
А на железо перешли, потому что оно крепче бронзы. Но железо долго не использовали, потому что оно требует более высоких температур плавления.
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Респект мужику, начал тренд, но не хайпанулся и продолжает все по чесноку делать.
Т.е. он как бы перескакивает в самый конец цепочки изобретательства, без всех предыдущих этапов и неудачных попыток
Гигиена - примитивная.
"Ма́йя — народ (группа родственных народов) индейского происхождения численностью не менее 6 миллионов человек в Мезоамерике."
В одного этого - ну, такое