Alex why cant life be as simple as the lion king ? when you can just say hakuna matata .. Like • / lion king

lion king песочница 
why cant life be as simple as the lion king ? when you can just say hakuna matata ..
Like • Comment • about an hour ago near Ottawa ■ I*
ai Noa	and 29 others like this.
Belden	...and watch your dad get trampled to death.
about an hour ago ■ Unlike • sS 37
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Alex why cant life be as simple as the lion king ? when you can just say hakuna matata .. Like • Comment • about an hour ago near Ottawa ■ I* ai Noa and 29 others like this. Belden ...and watch your dad get trampled to death. about an hour ago ■ Unlike • sS 37 Write a comment...
lion king,песочница
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Комментарии 1 15.11.201222:14 ссылка -1.3
-Почему жизнь не может быть такой же простой как в "короле льве". Когда ты можешь просто сказать "Hakuna matata"..
- ... и смотреть как твоего отца затоптали на смерть.
biibi biibi 15.11.201222:17 ответить ссылка 0.3
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