9 KB JPG >be me >in love with the same chick since middle school >decide to finally do so / #jokes for retards :: Приколы для даунов :: 4chan :: :: без перевода :: 4chan :: разное

#Приколы для даунов 4chan без перевода 
>be me
>in love with the same chick since middle school
>decide to finally do something about it
>hit the gym, shower daily, groom myself, get a promotion at work and
get a nice car
>overkill but really want to impress her >set up a nice table with candles and a romantic dinner and
9 KB JPG >be me >in love with the same chick since middle school >decide to finally do something about it >hit the gym, shower daily, groom myself, get a promotion at work and get a nice car >overkill but really want to impress her >set up a nice table with candles and a romantic dinner and wait for my mom. the love of my life, to come home (its okay my dad died 6 months ago so she’s single) >invite her to the table and she seems excited because i cooked for her >confess my feelings >she looks horrified and starts crying then goes and locks herself in her room Anons am i that fucking ugly? Is there no salvation for my loneliness? she always told me im handsome
Приколы для даунов,разное,4chan,без перевода,#jokes for retards,,4chan
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This home is not in Alabama
reiter reiter 07.04.202315:40 ответить ссылка 17.8
Не все так просто.
Anonymous 06/09/21 (Wed)03:32:04 No.6248752 ► »6250009
Tips for seducing your mother: a helpful guide for sons by Anonymous Jr.
1.	Always be a good boy.
2.	Make your mother smile.
3.	Always think strategically about how your actions will lead to your desired outcome.
4.	Stay within the
Vasto Vasto 07.04.202317:47 ответить ссылка 11.1
Наивный глупец, читал бы больше соответствующего хентая, знал бы что магия святого инцест майнд-брейка работает только если ее плавно запрягать, а не сходу вываливать свои чувства матери
anorakee anorakee 07.04.202317:50 ответить ссылка 3.2
Ну де юре его член уже был в ней, так что, почему бы не повторить?
rok32 rok32 07.04.202318:06 ответить ссылка 2.7
какой ужасный день чтобы знать английский
Какой ты чувствительный мальчик
ktulhu74 ktulhu74 07.04.202318:42 ответить ссылка -0.7
What a horrible day to know english*
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: Anonymous	03/18/24(Mon)06:59:17 No.915539269
Ea9tLo7WoAEFkK-.jpg 119 KB JPG
>Watch video
>Go to comment section
>Every comment:
"Bro (describes what person did) *skull emoji*"
Fucking NPCs, I swear...

Приколы для даунов разное 4chan без перевода #jokes for retards 4chan

: Anonymous 03/18/24(Mon)06:59:17 No.915539269 Ea9tLo7WoAEFkK-.jpg 119 KB JPG >Watch video >Go to comment section >Every comment: "Bro (describes what person did) *skull emoji*" Fucking NPCs, I swear...
1717005606622980.jpg 311 KB JPG
Oh you're looking for your bowling ball? Sorry bro idk where it could be

4chan без перевода Приколы для даунов разное

1717005606622980.jpg 311 KB JPG Oh you're looking for your bowling ball? Sorry bro idk where it could be
■ Anonymous	11/08/19(Fri)20:30:51 No.55252651
■ Anonymous
11/08/19(Fri)20:33:45 No.55252698
181 KB PNG
»55252651 (OP) #
damn anon, you have such a beautiful

4chan без перевода тредшот приколы для даунов 4chan threadshot jokes for retards

 ■ Anonymous 11/08/19(Fri)20:30:51 No.55252651 I JUST CAAALLED TO SAAAAY ILOOOVEYOUUUU 28 KB JPG ■ Anonymous 11/08/19(Fri)20:33:45 No.55252698 181 KB PNG »55252651 (OP) # damn anon, you have such a beautiful voice

>me grug see wheel go fast >grug put wheel in head >head go fast now : HackerMan04/15/23(Sat)00:43:03 No.72959568
t>Call a company
>"Hello would you like whitehathacker LLC to attempt to hack you? We 5^ offer our services to poke 27 KB jpg holes in your network, and if we find a problem, we let you know. That way we can patch it so no big bad hackerman can break i

Приколы для даунов разное без перевода 4chan geek,Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и айтишный юмор #jokes for retards 4chan geek

: HackerMan04/15/23(Sat)00:43:03 No.72959568 t>Call a company >"Hello would you like whitehathacker LLC to attempt to hack you? We 5^ offer our services to poke 27 KB jpg holes in your network, and if we find a problem, we let you know. That way we can patch it so no big bad hackerman can break i