Попугаи кеа научились управлять дорожным движением
Новозеландские попугаи кеа - очень умные птицы. Настолько умные, что разбирают автомобили без инструментов, а также хулиганят на дорогах.
В случае на видео выше проблему решили нетрадиционным путём: сделали игровую площадку специально для попугаев.
Homer Tunnel kea developing new skills on the side (higher resolution),Education,te anau,homer tunnel,kea,Fiordland,road cones,Milford Sound,Note: We posted this footage of the intelligent Te Anau/ Homer Tunnel kea recently, messing around with road cones at the entrance to Fiordland’s Homer Tunnel. This clip is a better resolution copy so you can see the birds better. ================================================ The NZ Transport Agency’s Milford Alliance team were a little puzzled to find their road cones in odd places in recent weeks – until they checked the footage from their cameras at each end of the one-way Homer Tunnel, the entrance to Milford Sound, and the answer became clear. The endearing but mischievous kea have been taking matters into their own talons in an effort (it is thought) to get drivers to slow down or stop and then to feed them. “We think the keas listen for the cars in the tunnel and move the road cones between the streams of traffic,” says Milford Alliance Manager Kevin Thompson. The Alliance team are going to trial some heavier road cones to try and discourage this new kea behaviour. People are encouraged not to feed these endangered birds or encourage their activity near traffic for their own good. For more information check: www.keaconservation.co.nz
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