Americans Soviets Building Metros
без перевода,жилье,многоэтажка,панелька,метро,Америка,советский союз,хрущевка,housing,high-rise building,prefab building,subway,America,countries,ussr,страны
Странный вывод не читать книгу, которую читает каждый урбанист, который потом говорит тебе что многоэтажки это плохо.
Еще более странный вывод докопаться до женщины из 1950 годов, видимо проецируя своё недовольство современными фемками.
>Fortunately my high-school marks had been so bad that Barnard decided I could not belong to it
Обрезать цитаты надо быть петухом конечно.
For the first time I liked school and for the first time I made good marks. This was almost my undoing because after I had garnered, statistically, a certain number of credits I became the property of Barnard College at Columbia, and once I was the property of Barnard I had to take, it seemed, what Barnard wanted me to take, not what I wanted to learn. Fortunately my high-school marks had been so bad that Barnard decided I could not belong to it and I was therefore allowed to continue getting an education.
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