Sarnai Bataar Occupation: Anything the clan needs at any given time, she has to fill a lot of ha / orc girl :: art девушка :: Chivalry Starved :: орки :: BasedBinkie :: Fantasy race :: artist :: art (арт)

BasedBinkie artist orc girl орки Fantasy race Chivalry Starved art девушка art 

Sarnai Bataar
Occupation: Anything the clan needs at any given time, she has to fill a lot of hats like everyone else!
considering the weapon to be more elegant, and matched to her excellent agility.
	Wf j M3H-	
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6 nrr		1 A
till w.£... fritted or foe? u advice?J*£t say

Sarnai Bataar Occupation: Anything the clan needs at any given time, she has to fill a lot of hats like everyone else! considering the weapon to be more elegant, and matched to her excellent agility. Wf j M3H- \ ■ I N 1 • ^ 6 nrr 1 A till w.£... fritted or foe? u advice?J*£t say wi& Being the Khan’s Daughter, she has the added responsibility of keeping her nomadic tribe safe, and learn what it means to be a strong and fair leader, though this has not stopped her from being extremely curious about the world outside the steppes. / /11 ^ n 1 X JW / A Wl
BasedBinkie,artist,orc girl,орки,Fantasy race,Chivalry Starved,art девушка,art,арт
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U"1""				^Ss4
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1	ti Chivalry Score: 98 Warcrimes Commited: Alot Castles Besieged: 32 Settlements Destroyed: 67
Weapons: Sharpened Shovel Makeshift Club Gas Canisters Explosive charges Triblade Knives

BasedBinkie knight без перевода art,арт Chivalry Starved Fantasy,Fantasy art BasedBinkie artist art Chivalry Starved fantasy artist фэнтези

Chivalry Score: 98 Warcrimes Commited: Alot Castles Besieged: 32 Settlements Destroyed: 67 Weapons: Sharpened Shovel Makeshift Club Gas Canisters Explosive charges Triblade Knives

Carthig-ia 1601 	b &	y 1 * \h )