"Плесневелая клубника" / art барышня :: feefal :: artist :: humanization :: art (арт)

humanization art барышня art artist feefal 

"Плесневелая клубника"

humanization,art барышня,art,арт,artist,feefal


humanization,art барышня,art,арт,artist,feefal
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(cell duplicaron) •Propinase*	«Meta
The cell prepares	Chrom
for the process of	begin l¡
_ mitosis!	.
Sister chromatids j begin to separate. ]
Almost divided, only a	J* . QjtokwesiS* ^ JT*
slight pinch attaches them,, /t)ivision^nto two daughter O •
cells is completed

feefal art барышня art,арт humanization artist

(cell duplicaron) •Propinase* «Meta The cell prepares Chrom for the process of begin l¡ _ mitosis! . •Anaphase. Sister chromatids j begin to separate. ] •Telophase- Almost divided, only a J* . QjtokwesiS* ^ JT* slight pinch attaches them,, /t)ivision^nto two daughter O • cells is completed
Young sped we are b lia ht
& red
Asihetjaga ■the -fruit böd(j turns biacK

humanization feefal art барышня art,арт artist

Young sped we are b lia ht & red oraiflj e Asihetjaga ■the -fruit böd(j turns biacK *•