! So you're finally \ going to magic j sckool Mya? ’ You Ve going ho be l tke best mage V tkere Is! У За! Herr Koxrohhe decided ho hultlon! I cant w>alt ho ^ start J fresk ctohkes Mya, »jou gotta make л good impression!, Seems tke little^ pendejos caugkt your scent Мул, Mages smell delicious to i i tkose little / V freaks yy Stay beklnd me, > I got tkls, j *SCUTTLE*
' You crabs' Just kave to sko<*> up and ruin. a i good dag J \ kuk?! L rYou peKdejos donF seervi to understand «*>ko you're dealing l^ttk; I gre«j up In y tke trait Ve^be poor a aca; stw rvuedo! <owe Were, Mo fear!* Ms.Sancka Is a scary «*>orvian <*>hen Lady Ptayne Isn't kere Crabostabo \ / / (0 X, Stack f
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