"Энциклопедия драконов" / длиннопост :: Спекулятивная биология :: без перевода :: artist :: Dragon :: sawyerleeart :: art (арт)

sawyerleeart Dragon art artist без перевода длиннопост Спекулятивная биология 

"Энциклопедия драконов"

orsal side o.
is heavtx
- eisttnre nasal horns arc used lo open carcasses, wrestle each other, &c aiq their harrows. C (ntrained cues
o lilts durable dre dhtngjfliot a With a stomach handle rot. an
ii^/netj re knownjor engaging N. in conflict with each other
eotormentum cri
common in
woo i
as om banders nea, themselves- per/ectUj < erehedhigh on iheir / edsaliva- so we iTiiia iss right in) one Sc net normally tímuC, ike i *if wíífsend ikis draqo
in a circular
manner to belter aii
10ms are see
mil between trees.
^dd. (ivingjossil, t(iis dragon is part of an ancient lineage extending load eons. J~ound along rockgj coasts, this bdiemot/ijoragesjor algal ■ dloonis mac tit, 'ize a marine iguana, its hiooizecfclaws leeping it latched to. the bottom.
dlargejilittencd tail aids in swimming.
N.	<■>
'atea in large triangular armor for a vulnerable
whooshes when swung- usee in communication.
SriarJS rube daws are particularly sharp, dliey pin down small prey Sc rip at larger dragons’ wings when territory is invaded.
is narrow
of dried CramUe &: ha
ucizea from
Vi1•b r «
Jormentufelus elutus CJhe 'Vile brew inhabits
loose skin can
expansive marshes 6c brackis estuaries, where it basis in th Sc stalls the shore. aiostUj scaleless, theglandular slin o ^tie brew secretes a potent poison that causes blood to foam, eijes to swe (f.&C lit e victim

Spottecfwditc like it’s dazzling sail, (he ventradsidc of the "dde drew’s wings are strongfj patterned jor use in territorial dances against rivals.
"") \diile verij loCeranl Jor a dragon, too mam) 'diddrew at a jishenj will incite dominance dispdagfsjor who will get the right to slag).

~LJ\.een eyes cun spot movement from to miles
eJnc и/ Irmorshear is a once m a ht. Cxlre mein rare and just as (at
dragons cross (tie world in search oj an umiheUj prey item: crustaceans.
CJIie dragon is bui(t for (his, sporting a massive, crowhar-lihe jaw that pries open
X)e tails on the
Ra s p1 and ant Armorshaar's Wings
Sc stifwitlijive semi-jused dibits not unlike that seen in birds, adiwuqji Cess extensive.
S. Xee
@scnoijerleeart,sawyerleeart,Dragon,art,арт,artist,без перевода,длиннопост,Спекулятивная биология
iv us sa
Iridescent K>»g) hold the wi/rm ale, »ration for centuries worth of lecena
on regurgitates ffoopy, molten '/orm.\ into (hack class spires
\ave arisen wr
Win rOWS
used in inter-species combat during the breeding season.
oose sane
/(ZlUit^ blShOpS gel (heir
@sa wyerleeart
c Plated tail etuis in n fleshu, /tuned (ip. jJl is remarkable, the scales git (tering eren in (he dark.
treasure vaults are
Holdt ska
Castrapraecfa\ for
“Jfreed runs thick through the dragon’s veins, clotting its heart Sc dimming antj shretfof soul..."

Jk ís dn
rayons stamina is immense Ûeof/Upi^r
“ ryVing’s Croiien? CTiiats t(ie tolzen”.
rSfcye rsatfing on ihe keij io warc limof
dtLibers, w/i
io ure veri] reliant on ineir massive wínc¡s.
CThe peculiar Cnght-lingered hand found onUf on tills species.
f S. Xee

(J/oung ¿¿Coldi alters disperse from the nesi earfforgoin^ anij parental care. ¿Instead,", then iorm “siresdins” with otic
ineij jorm siresntps wan otner species of dragon- preening scales, cleaning lairs, &c bringing in preij. ¿Most dragons accept tieir sire, as when tie c.MoidtaItcrgrows
eup terns septentriones
can a
ns species
pressure oj eraci
warm in
specimens can piule off tail p eaks, to (he dismay fine traveler.
iches beneath the reauces (he rtsi
rapo ns wings, of lost nq (Item (o
during hibernation, the dragon's hot breath warms up (heir icy lairs. Jhis
,	♦ i
~ cUighly opposadle tafons distinct ldumb. CTdese are use d io cLb trees or restrain
O&espicaCimus simtapnaqnax
cdX dragon of the foggy cloud forest, this nocturnal species possesses a highly reflectivejriif Sc underwings, whicfi catch tde dgdt it emitsjrom tde mouth
old, calculating, de distant—
)rcadci/e can hit Us mark up to ü rmine wind Sc other factors
n unseen assar
literally. Une Opeclaci 4oo meters away, afh
into their aim. <dJt rests atop fait rockjormationsjor at a time, sdentlu scanning the area for preu, which
- he wings
N a stnann
Up to bo cm tall &
J pounds.

Jlestnannies are leant/, stout birds tlat inhabit dragon lairs. Uhcij keep it tidi/ &: clean bt/ eating sled skin, cjj shells, & vermin. CTlei/ are excellent alarmsjor intruders as welt.
1 \dien approaching a lost, a U\es(nannt/ will replicate the
cut stone
short work o,
adversariesj, disturbed.
g£& slits line tile to\ mea th Sc behind it. JJi
swung ill
rrifdns «
arrows extern
'uwc neper
l orea, the trail,
legend siujs ancient, colossal dragons
slam ier in the heart oj (t
/V	^
world.	- -V.
'ieir tunnels or
Had Racer
cdCem oinfemusgracilis
Jh e name “ cfdemoinfrnus” references (heir blood- which burns acidic when spilled. CJhis maizes (hem painful for predators to attacf&c the ^facer can spew itjrom their mouths in defense.
Jhe membrane is no tic a buy reduced compared to most iiqon species. *dJt

ft ? ■ ’
Red Racer Whelp & Egg
Jle/J acer wdeips are a duddro purpd scatteredwitddrigdt redscads.
dercf dependent on tdeir parents, tde wdeips can recognize tde pderomones of tdeir motder Sc enterfeeding stances wden exposedto it. (ddandlers raising wdeips must wear tde pderomone on

very spring, they tie ¿North
migrate to
polar sea. L^ach c.ylutamn, the Southern ¿See.
Jizes range ctwecn 2-1
meters in ten
dddligratonq Sc swift, this dragon species glides through tfe water with agcjmnast’s grace. Uh eir hunger is most If sated bijjlsfl, however, thegj may hand together

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orsal side o. is heavtx - eisttnre nasal horns arc used lo open carcasses, wrestle each other, &c aiq their harrows. C (ntrained cues membrane. woun mean o lilts durable dre dhtngjfliot a With a stomach handle rot. an ii^/netj re knownjor engaging N. in conflict with each other survivor. can immune s nows no ones that resist breakage, oc thi unique abilihj to constrict arteries to prevent He e dim defies death. ^dXnd it nee i rt angular wimj shape. f c /* dragon is verif agile in as weil- scavenging hills from life larqer e leftover @sawi)erleeart endeavor. ") brought belchuse (heir explosive, missile-Idle ame lo clear land for their colonies. CJhanllfudj, nt are vert/ east/ to spot: a cleared, sc are a area of aws are snuh ofcffsícCe fu lozens evotts womw us Jem ax tan a passive shed, the if Is cale in place wide the missing own from serve new one grows underneath. IV litten, the attacker qets a mouti e wouth
eotormentum cri common in woo i rona as om banders nea, themselves- per/ectUj < erehedhigh on iheir / edsaliva- so we iTiiia iss right in) one Sc net normally tímuC, ike i *if wíífsend ikis draqo nierai resem in a circular manner to belter aii 10ms are see mil between trees. cross-section Jhe dragon's saliva hardens into explosive chunks of“dragonstone,\ which theif scatter around their nest-turning it into a literal minefield. CThis is where then feed loncifcom bea nean usions. ograms, fßrekensiCe tali ùxtremeu) long rear tegs tuci ne al la underneath tide ho du /V V ,¿ WU* ' 1< f f]. ' 13j /fir k.. f? y •/ ^ J 1 I l \v
^dd. (ivingjossil, t(iis dragon is part of an ancient lineage extending load eons. J~ound along rockgj coasts, this bdiemot/ijoragesjor algal ■ dloonis mac tit, 'ize a marine iguana, its hiooizecfclaws leeping it latched to. the bottom. wanes. dlargejilittencd tail aids in swimming. N. <■> was hunted to n ea r- ext in ctÍon nankja nenoqgnesis aids in S S' taction without a mate. jen ex cum [airs to soften coastal stones @sawgjeríeeart
4 'atea in large triangular armor for a vulnerable area whooshes when swung- usee in communication. @sawijerleeart SriarJS rube daws are particularly sharp, dliey pin down small prey Sc rip at larger dragons’ wings when territory is invaded. is narrow of dried CramUe &: ha ucizea from seven Briar Drake JPt briar X\ake s s s brings down a large opossum. ^JXulus i sent is erf yens are T) ramble-like spines are what earn lhis dragon its name. .X) ewlap is more prominent in males, used to signal their presence to one 3k ese arid '/Jo re si dwelling dragons pack hunters: utilizing their large talons to pin smaller prey on the ground to tear up. ZThegj're builljor speed, which helps in the event their s s s ss wings arc injured and need to quickly escape from danger. <T\s a means to attract prey &: frighten off larger predators, XXriar 2> rakes are able to ills, but this filters when it comes to mimic cal larger animals, do compensate, thegy can 'tune' the pitch, making it sound like a much larger dragon is approaching the area, or another o) the prey's species is calling out in the distance. /The wing spots are particularly volatile. Jheir splotches are unique to each individual, much like ajingerprint. S S S' S Tjroad-eruled wings catch the s s s s s s thermal updrafts of its desert habitat with case. JiocQ lhours lazinq about tile can spend hours lazing A
Vi1•b r « Jormentufelus elutus CJhe 'Vile brew inhabits loose skin can camón. expansive marshes 6c brackis estuaries, where it basis in th Sc stalls the shore. aiostUj scaleless, theglandular slin o ^tie brew secretes a potent poison that causes blood to foam, eijes to swe (f.&C lit e victim to experience strong hallucinations. HR^emarla blu, the saliva of this dragon has antibiotic properties, able to clean a wound of infection e sun extensions shade (he i dau. Uheu mau have /* /** ^ /* S' / (ved this trait to deal with th l\e swamp. 'ions amphibian for its toxin. nown (he favora Vileb rew eggs are foundin antic nests woven from reed 'or men envei ■ O' U' the effects of Inc untreated foaming, UoocCf cuts ¿c popping eyes. S.Xcc r @sawyerleeart dPoison aside, this is a very cautious species, &c wilt plunge into die nearest Cody of water X /" rx A /* when startled by loud noises. wears treated r Jilts man dragon hide- a loose deterrent that sCichs offtiie ison.
Spottecfwditc like it’s dazzling sail, (he ventradsidc of the "dde drew’s wings are strongfj patterned jor use in territorial dances against rivals. "") \diile verij loCeranl Jor a dragon, too mam) 'diddrew at a jishenj will incite dominance dispdagfsjor who will get the right to slag). cage &cjlat torso aid in hg/drodgpiamics -¿flight. s are often brief&c use ti to reach new fisheries. ¿Jtjares poorly fh/ing long distances. Single cartilaginous spur adds leverage for swimming. , * ~ Sid tile very flat, (he (ait hangs lower whilejliftig. ¿This is a good wag/ to identifij (he species. *; S. Xee @sawi/erleearl
~LJ\.een eyes cun spot movement from to miles awau. mogran eJnc и/ Irmorshear is a once m a ht. Cxlre mein rare and just as (at iese dragons cross (tie world in search oj an umiheUj prey item: crustaceans. CJIie dragon is bui(t for (his, sporting a massive, crowhar-lihe jaw that pries open the shell, and a (ong, barbed tongue that scoops out thejlesh. ^7 (up/ be offci at sigh t it igs are so rare because armored humans, unfortunately, look <~L)ynumie souring over (he op rurity Sc source information u risky venture (or (he Slayer, c en oceun Uhis species is very (fun, oc a atopy shows extensive air sues running through i(s body. Uhe showy (rill aids in lif. rmorsheur has ever *een slum by и human CTheu are both too pair o) /ms run front (he neck, alltie мчи/ ctonm (o (he (ail. massive rare. species таке и, huge portion oj come in dozens /ys /* worldwide. ortns nice, istance fliqht
X)e tails on the Ra s p1 and ant Armorshaar's Wings Sc stifwitlijive semi-jused dibits not unlike that seen in birds, adiwuqji Cess extensive. S. Xee @scnoijerleeart
iv us sa mesmerc Hum. Iridescent K>»g) hold the wi/rm ale, »ration for centuries worth of lecena on regurgitates ffoopy, molten '/orm.\ into (hack class spires \ave arisen wr Win rOWS used in inter-species combat during the breeding season. snowshoc. oose sane /(ZlUit^ blShOpS gel (heir name from (he choir-like oduce while on Ine wtnq. ^yl backdrop of sound to tfci ritualistic sand skimming. Unese dragons spend weeks soaring over the dune seas, onhj occasionally com in 0 (0 roost. ifJ' (ost famous are their /* /* c c r rrc /* rv* ^ r jT silver scales; so smooth as to deflect ant/ claw, blade, or even liqhi that rummy Humor.
@sa wyerleeart c Plated tail etuis in n fleshu, /tuned (ip. jJl is remarkable, the scales git (tering eren in (he dark. means treasure vaults are Holdt ska Castrapraecfa\ for ютах “Jfreed runs thick through the dragon’s veins, clotting its heart Sc dimming antj shretfof soul..." fffoldtak ers (also known as “Ldgh(-cf~fandcd Jfragons) are a very large species known for their avance. . ffound in hot Sc wet tropical habitats with plenty oj Jlaterite, they are drawn to vdization; ripping off roofs Sc fling walls to get (heir loot. Jfofit akersgrow to Jit their environment, meaning a well-fed Sc elderly specimen can be among the largest of dragons known. civ crum —r r r Ulus dragon is surprisingly social as it grows- tagging alotig larger species of' dragons to learn by observation. \Uls an adult, they may even tolerate other wyrnis in their territory. - 8 digits distinguish this genus from the others, mutation that never <$. r\ /?“ rr /■ /■ ”* /'* ■¿Srilliant blue scales line the bach of (he <. Tdoidt alter. J8liie is an expensive color in nature, & one with (he richest blue is deemed (he most impressive. sJhc effouftaher is y r seen in humid tropics 8c occasionally - yyr r foothills, yjreat JCinsb ane limit (heir spread to the mountains. Г edSc ■ШШЛр- -- чнт' • V -ЯГ о ~ CThe claws arc curved 8cgigantic, making (he dragon great at aerial predation of large game. CThe (Jfoldtak er eats 8c mefs metals in its fre-gullet, vomiting the molten metal as an attack. iDfest sites maij rr r seem gilded in a variety precious material. —. ^ S' /* /* V -** ^ л Uhe face glows reddish as it breathes metal, what a sight! ¿Their method of cooling down is currently under rigorous study. ofparticular interest... i,
Jk ís dn rayons stamina is immense Ûeof/Upi^r capat ours. “ ryVing’s Croiien? CTiiats t(ie tolzen”. rSfcye rsatfing on ihe keij io warc limof dtLibers, w/i io ure veri] reliant on ineir massive wínc¡s. Holdtaker van CThe peculiar Cnght-lingered hand found onUf on tills species. f S. Xee @sa\operieeart ~CT(ie cf~CoCdtaCer’s chest is c thicllleathenj shin, ahnostjo) Hie ness of a vest. CTixis evolve mating ritual-females will at tHe Heart oftneir mate.
(J/oung ¿¿Coldi alters disperse from the nesi earfforgoin^ anij parental care. ¿Instead,", then iorm “siresdins” with otic ineij jorm siresntps wan otner species of dragon- preening scales, cleaning lairs, &c bringing in preij. ¿Most dragons accept tieir sire, as when tie c.MoidtaItcrgrows powerful, it will re mem der Us foster parent &z return idejavor as tiefster ages. @sawuerleeart
eup terns septentriones can a ns species pressure oj eraci warm in specimens can piule off tail p eaks, to (he dismay fine traveler. iches beneath the reauces (he rtsi rapo ns wings, of lost nq (Item (o surround during hibernation, the dragon's hot breath warms up (heir icy lairs. Jhis encourages (he ['Inch feed smai animai leir caves a and wing s primary laven among weapon. ¡e male attacks a r r explorer; cracking maroon Ci if plantigrade feel are an interesting to (he creature's weiqhl. econc if out of nowhere. ¿The ice splintere fslup reciucecftojpbanks. Jldy fi paste &: coated the JCull breaker j marooned í turned to (Trullbreaker s mark their j , territory via craters created bu th eir lists. e colder regions of tic "1 (b rlcfJo un de v e nj (den expanses of tundra within the nortlen composed offlesfscaie, antfbone formed over their \ crushing ffet. Jfowever, most (mown are t crack ice sheets, their rival males needs, anc herefrom th Jhis surliy species is endemic to a ice sheets in the Sea, to the lichen-ri can ani their mighty nasal horn, which they wtCi S' S* /V* S' ,__ notoriously/- the hulls f retie-going vesse ! : ■ ' k V tósatverfee, @saw>crlec, Jjllj
, ♦ i — ~ cUighly opposadle tafons distinct ldumb. CTdese are use d io cLb trees or restrain prey. Blindsider O&espicaCimus simtapnaqnax cdX dragon of the foggy cloud forest, this nocturnal species possesses a highly reflectivejriif Sc underwings, whicfi catch tde dgdt it emitsjrom tde mouth in a blinding dlaze. <jdt then slices tde target into ribbons with drge, scytde-dde talons. cdX poorjder, UXdndsiders prefers quick glides or sprints to overtake prey, dduring the day, it can be seen in dark crevaces or thick foliage, sleeping in an upright stance, wings wrapped tight aroun d its doff,. ' ' fjU Jds species is a primate specialist, hunting a local species of monkey, dddumans sdoulcfde especialUj careful here. Jdeutral position. CTde wings arejoldetf against the le arm. - Jhc bright eyes possess a very dark nictitating membrane, s hi deling them jre rom - \^law salvaged /rom a long individual. CJl was sent lo d^loomfast ( a research (own sludu. otis have a cshey mat/ rao (heir claws ther to make a distinctive sound t nignt-Juff i~/ ho look direciftf ming a t those w, season. V eratin mace-club is í ÍÍ r le in males Sc black in nine something K courts (li favoredp hese primates 2c seem itera @sawi/erieear(
ceroceuus old, calculating, de distant— )rcadci/e can hit Us mark up to ü rmine wind Sc other factors n unseen assar literally. Une Opeclaci 4oo meters away, afh into their aim. <dJt rests atop fait rockjormationsjor at a time, sdentlu scanning the area for preu, which move ours - he wings i ioth staggering prellij Sc disorientating # witness. via a minerai-coate* aunene< a 1ocusc\ oesnt over -JtieJS readeiqe can be fund in quarries near ore deposits. vJ^ecent it has fa hen to raiding iron mines. tv a it ¿no until the minerals are hauled out to attach. swimming, or even social cues. attaci he snout mou arre i ome scales er an hour o, sma i turn sized anima, mountains @ sa wqer(écart
N a stnann Up to bo cm tall & r J pounds. Jlestnannies are leant/, stout birds tlat inhabit dragon lairs. Uhcij keep it tidi/ &: clean bt/ eating sled skin, cjj shells, & vermin. CTlei/ are excellent alarmsjor intruders as welt. 1 \dien approaching a lost, a U\es(nannt/ will replicate the peeping of a dragon whelp- earning the dragon's toferancejor tong enough to move in & settle. Uventualhj, draqon hosts can appear almost fond of their little louse keepers.
cut stone short work o, adversariesj, disturbed. g£& slits line tile to\ mea th Sc behind it. JJi swung ill rrifdns « arrows extern 'uwc neper l orea, the trail, legend siujs ancient, colossal dragons slam ier in the heart oj (t /V ^ world. - -V. @sawt/en 'ieir tunnels or creatures use amans have asea a prehistoric narrow oj immense size as a higdwaq between the settlements oj jjlass bar &c Capital, a road that has r /y- ST S* endured jor ail of written hist ora. is species verane / continuous bu or er size, rows over its CCVlundíedus hipes rs in th\ ins species occurs in the the earth, its existence first inown S* /*• s* s* /*• from the juveniles thatj reed on tree roots near the surface. Completely blind, it instead relies on life flesh tj tendrils covering its boedj to communicate chemicals, pressure, Sc vi brations jor navigation. 2) eep dwelling human cities describe them as stubborn ipet tolerant- used to coda biting with other cave species. CJhus, a auiet traveler can beep their dead down Sc have no issue passing one. 2)o not be Jo ole d into assuming it is docile however- cultural taboo against touchinq one exists jor a reason.
Had Racer cdCem oinfemusgracilis Jh e name “ cfdemoinfrnus” references (heir blood- which burns acidic when spilled. CJhis maizes (hem painful for predators to attacf&c the ^facer can spew itjrom their mouths in defense. Jhe membrane is no tic a buy reduced compared to most iiqon species. *dJt seems to ai >ores line . ) Vhile present (rugous, they are rince ha< acer. ivine water-w radons docile mere touCi @sa\vuerleearl y unmen in armored duragon f)asizets” Guard the hinqdoms of the o ~ ^ djurning ¿/'"tills with their draconic um-ffrass: name dfor th< intense spice &: burning sensation to trie touch. fe in cTv? acer diet. r Srisllij sptk e-mane protects tne neck daring courtship duels between On the chest ties a thick layer o) i Housed tissue known to protect the heart against predators. Ondemic to the windu, rolling hills of tide southernmost continent, (ded Jl acers Have a complex relations with the humans of the region: doing at limes an ally. Oneir complexsociadstructures enable trainers to adopt their ways &: integrate these dragons into society as noble mounts, who are dept happy with "plenty ofS u mgr ass to eat &c expansive studies to rest within. Udeir name stemsjrom tdeir considerable speed &c agility- dfced Jl acers can vertically lade ojffom a standing position, turn on a dime, &c fdj at solidspeeds even wden carrying weight. Crdose who encounter them swear they are weightless tdemselvcs; oh, how th move; /
 ft ? ■ ’ Red Racer Whelp & Egg brown- Jle/J acer wdeips are a duddro purpd scatteredwitddrigdt redscads. dercf dependent on tdeir parents, tde wdeips can recognize tde pderomones of tdeir motder Sc enterfeeding stances wden exposedto it. (ddandlers raising wdeips must wear tde pderomone on tiieirgear to ensure tde w, de(psfeed Opadscent Sc Cage, eggs are lain on didtopsjlattenecfdj generations ofretuming parents, dacdnest can dodfig eggs.
very spring, they tie ¿North migrate to polar sea. L^ach c.ylutamn, the Southern ¿See. Jizes range ctwecn 2-1 meters in ten dddligratonq Sc swift, this dragon species glides through tfe water with agcjmnast’s grace. Uh eir hunger is most If sated bijjlsfl, however, thegj may hand together during lean times to tale down larger aquatic prey- using their venom to restrict oxqgen flow in the victim, immobilizing it while the slloal feasts. Uhis dragon is extremelq adapted to ic life- almost resembling ajlsh itseff oceanic J~rontJfippers are vergy mobile Sc use /life a i-turtle when moving at slower spec/ sea- usen SThe iail is verij ihai of sharks- a case o, rgeni evolution. en swimming at high speeds. conven l wner
sawyerleeart,Dragon,art,арт,artist,без перевода,длиннопост,Спекулятивная биология
Еще на тему
SWiat SWiat 08.01.202418:22 ответить ссылка 0.9
разве 2 лапы + 2 крыла это не виверны а не драконы?
У каждых авторов свое определение. Тот же "Как приручить Дракона" считал и 2 лапы 2 крыла и 2 крыла 4 лапы драконами.
В книгах там драконами считались и слизняк с ядовитым жалом и пещерное нечто с глазами на концах пальцев, и главное все относительно разумные и разговаривающие
Bezgin Bezgin 08.01.202420:28 ответить ссылка -2.1
Ну вот тебе и пример. У каждого автора свое определение. У кого то виверна вообще на четырех ногах без крыльев ползает и воет (Да, Зиногр, это про тебя)
Щас бы детское произведение в пример ставить....
frenzy frenzy 08.01.202422:58 ответить ссылка -4.5
Щас бы думать, что на все произведения одни правила. Тот же Монстер Xантер, который я упомянул, вообще вивернами кого угодно считает почти, а в драконаx у ниx числится летающий xолм с человеческим ртом, каракатица, которая собирает себе броню из костей, и другие совсем недраконьи монстры, и то там объяснено почему. И это тебе пример двуx произведений. Вот художник энциклопедии как пример, считает такиx драконами.
Furo Furo 08.01.202420:15 ответить ссылка 1.9
Четыре лапы два крыла это геральдический дракон, а две лапы два крыла это виверна которые тоже дракон.
напоминает монстер хантер
andru061 andru061 08.01.202419:39 ответить ссылка 0.0
Один из моих школьных учителей биологии увлекался теоретической драконистикой и даже написал книгу по ней. Рассуждал о том, могла ли эволюция породить драконов, что общего у них могло бы быть с реальными рептилиями, и как могли бы быть устроены системы органов драконов.
Вот первая из цикла его лекций.

St127 St127 08.01.202420:57 ответить ссылка 1.2
А "Кипятильник" где ?
NegoD9Y NegoD9Y 08.01.202421:37 ответить ссылка 0.0
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Y/i iltvrip>8##
1# !■ ii* I V y I ILJ splendor made of decay
For Vultyries, Yemen is not a creature, but a place, with inexhaustible food and perfect breeding grounds.
But for Yemen Yultyries' prosperity means infection and festering.

Flounder man art,арт artist Спекулятивная биология

Y/i iltvrip>8## 1# !■ ii* I V y I ILJ splendor made of decay For Vultyries, Yemen is not a creature, but a place, with inexhaustible food and perfect breeding grounds. But for Yemen Yultyries' prosperity means infection and festering.
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