I Should Tell Ya Momma on You by MARKO DRAGAN ZECEVIC ft. RED (Remix),Entertainment,,Song: I should / я залип :: музыка :: video

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I Should Tell Ya Momma on You by MARKO DRAGAN ZECEVIC ft. RED (Remix),Entertainment,,Song: I should tell ya momma on you by Marko Dragan Zecevic ft. Red Video: made by Charles Phillips A video what was absolutly missing on youtube ;)... You can find the original vid on vimeo.com/35539348 ;) And for the guy who asked for it ;): 10/04/12 Hello frients from r/trees! :D For free music and updates - *FOLLOW MARKO DRAGAN ZECEVIC* - soundcloud.com/marko-ech-a-sketch -Ten Steps to Go to Outer Space- Step 1. - Acquire proper ingredients. Press play, then pause. Allow video to load fully. Step 2. - Begin rolling blunt. Step 3. - Find lucky lighter. Turn volume up. Step 4. - Grab a friend, dog, beer, etc. They would probably enjoy smoking with you. Sharing is caring. Step 5. - Sound gong, then press play. Step 6. - Light blunt. Inhale. Hooooold it... Step 7. - Watch video. Stay seated. Tell your mom to quiet down. Step 8. - Exhale. Step 9. - Clean up any spilled brains. Step 10. - Puff, puff, pass that bitch, man. Step 11. - Go to Taco Bell, White Castle, etc. :) Original video of music sample - bit.ly/I8564J Charles' films - bit.ly/IPOj2G Happy 4/20!
video,я залип,музыка,песочница
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Комментарии 1 01.12.201221:08 ссылка -0.1
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