MiUTiA Abandon reason, know only BONKK!! Smol but stronk! Total meathead Picks fights with wild / Age of Empires II :: Age of Empires II :: Kabewski :: age of empires :: Age Of Empires :: тянофикация :: юниты :: games :: Игры

Age of Empires II Age Of Empires Игры юниты тянофикация Kabewski 

Abandon reason, know only BONKK!!
Smol but stronk!
Total meathead Picks fights with wild animals Somehow makes more money than the trashies.
-Pure meat and berry diet to get swol.,Age of Empires II,Age Of Empires,Игры,юниты,тянофикация,Age of Empires II,age of empires,games,Kabewski

-Nervous wreck -Protects villagers from cavalry bullies -Terrified of most units
-Has beef with skirmisher -Her gear are hand-me-downs from previous spearmen -BFs with man at arms -Turk s last line of defence.,Age of Empires II,Age Of Empires,Игры,юниты,тянофикация,Age of Empires II,age

-Super Optimist -Painfully Naive -BFs with spearman -Dreams of being a Champion one day Spends her wages on knight magazines. Pride of the Feudal age.
Has a rivalry with Archers.,Age of Empires II,Age Of Empires,Игры,юниты,тянофикация,Age of Empires II,age of empires,games,Kabewski

-Overall clumsy apart from her MEAN throwing arm. -Has no idea how to use the javelin in melee.
-Very anxious about her personal space.
-"Infinite javelins" (steals them from spearmen).
-Makes less than minimum wage (desperate for a promotion)
-Has a surprising kill count.,Age of

wit A tE(C
-99% chance of death
by wild animals.
-Easily spooked (will sprint indoors).
-Can use a bow but prefers shankin'.
-Pockets are filled with every tool known to man.
-Works 9 jobs.
-Pinnacle of Spanish Gyming Technology. -Has SANTIAGO tattoed

MiUTiA Abandon reason, know only BONKK!! Smol but stronk! Total meathead Picks fights with wild animals Somehow makes more money than the trashies. -Pure meat and berry diet to get swol.
SPEAfcMN -Nervous wreck -Protects villagers from cavalry bullies -Terrified of most units -Has beef with skirmisher -Her gear are hand-me-downs from previous spearmen -BFs with man at arms -Turk s last line of defence.
IAAN AT ARAAS -Super Optimist -Painfully Naive -BFs with spearman -Dreams of being a Champion one day Spends her wages on knight magazines. Pride of the Feudal age. Has a rivalry with Archers.
SkiWSHER -Overall clumsy apart from her MEAN throwing arm. -Has no idea how to use the javelin in melee. -Very anxious about her personal space. -"Infinite javelins" (steals them from spearmen). -Makes less than minimum wage (desperate for a promotion) -Has a surprising kill count.
wit A tE(C -SHI-HOH -99% chance of death by wild animals. -Easily spooked (will sprint indoors). -Can use a bow but prefers shankin'. -Pockets are filled with every tool known to man. -Works 9 jobs. SPANISH SUPREMACY Vai-AGeR -Pinnacle of Spanish Gyming Technology. -Has SANTIAGO tattoed on her back. -Can Ivl a cobra car. -Kinda forgetful, (always needs to be reminded what to fight) -Muscles tough as steel. -Secretly jealous of Burgundians.
Age of Empires II,Age Of Empires,Игры,юниты,тянофикация,Age of Empires II,age of empires,games,Kabewski
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А где этот?
Гудяет с тевтонским рыцарем
tzin tzin 11.06.202417:45 ответить ссылка 3.3
Wololo из первой части, во второй священники говорили А-а-а А-а-а и звенели колокольчиками которые иногда ставят на двери всякие магазины и парикмахерские
Я человек простой, вижу тег Age Of Empires - пишу Wololo.
Всегда думал, что у Spearmen нету шеи :D
У копейщиков еще есть бонус к атаке против кораблей.
Turik Turik 11.06.202423:57 ответить ссылка 0.6
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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Похожие посты
-Not aware of the "war" thing going on.
-Not dumb, just derpy and super stoked to be included.
-Beloved wife and mother of 5.
-Two days away from retirement.
-Was told she needs to deliver "supplies"
-Laughs at fart jokes

Kabewski Age of Empires II Age Of Empires Игры Kabewski Age of Empires II age of empires games

PET№> -Not aware of the "war" thing going on. -Not dumb, just derpy and super stoked to be included. -Beloved wife and mother of 5. -Two days away from retirement. -Was told she needs to deliver "supplies" -Laughs at fart jokes
-Physically empowered by \ xenophobia.
t\) -Used to be suicidal, but got f better after a makeover •) -Had a bow but got stolen.
I-Has chelonaphobia.
-Secretly a total gun nut.
make you worse.

Kabewski Age of Empires II Age Of Empires Игры Kabewski Age of Empires II age of empires games

j SM^VORAf -Physically empowered by \ xenophobia. t\) -Used to be suicidal, but got f better after a makeover •) -Had a bow but got stolen. I-Has chelonaphobia. -Secretly a total gun nut. make you worse.