11:23 PM 1(0% 4 > O CD 4 The Joy of Tech by Mtrozac and Snaggy vww.geekculture.ootTVjoyoflBch C | { The Tablet Commandments Thou shall not have any other tablets before iPad. Except perhaps heart pills, in case you get too excited using it. Thou shall not take the iPad's name in vain, especially if you haven't even used one, and you've made assumptions about it, perhaps because you have been made bitter and twisted by an uncaring and abusive operating system. Thou shall honor thy iPad, and not make lame arguments against it, like saying it hurts creativity or won't inspire children to code. Good Lord Doctorow, are you serious?! Thou shall continue to honor thy laptop and iPhone, for they have served you well, and will be there for you when iPad needith them. Thou shall not mourn Flash on the iPad, for video on the Internet shall rise again as FITML5, for Jobs doth command it. You shall not murder iPad, nor blend iPad, nor eat iPad, nor beat iPad with a baseball bat, nor download an Android app for that. Thou shall not stand idly by as heretics bear false witness that the iPad does not multi-task. For of course it does. Yea, verily, I say unto thee you can listen to music, or download files in the background, or a multitude of other multi-tasks. Alas, it is just third party apps that can not run in the background. Pray that is fixed in 4.0. Thou shall covet your neighbor's iPad, especially if he ordered the 64GB 3G version. (That's not really a commandment, it's just a statement of fact.) Remember iPad Day and keep it holy. Holy as in use your iPad religiously. And thou shall know everyday from now on is iPad Day. Thou shall honor iPad's father and Mothership, because they have brought to you this magical and revolutionary miracle, and we all can't wait to buy iPad 2.0, with better Wi-Fi reception. ii. in. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX x. joyoftech.com
Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,айпад,прикольные картинки про айпад, юмор apple ipad
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