Information classified by Weyland-Yutani. Security clearance accepted. Experiment 03 - 'Nemea' Fe / 18+ (эротика, fap time) :: Yautja (Predator, Яутжа, Хищник) :: AVP (Вселенная Чужих и Хищников, Aliens vs. Predator, Чужой против Хищника) :: AvP Ero :: VernieTiger :: сисечки :: лень переводить

лень переводить Yautja сисечки 18+ песочница VernieTiger AvP Ero AVP 
Information classified by Weyland-Yutani. Security clearance accepted.
Experiment 03 - 'Nemea'
Female human/xeno-hybrid
Discovered from the ashes of Gunnison hospital in Colorado, after the Gunnison Outbreak 20 years ago. The subject seems to bear resemblance to humans and also to both
Information classified by Weyland-Yutani. Security clearance accepted. Experiment 03 - 'Nemea' Female human/xeno-hybrid Discovered from the ashes of Gunnison hospital in Colorado, after the Gunnison Outbreak 20 years ago. The subject seems to bear resemblance to humans and also to both xenospecies known to be part of the Outbreak. Thou, she has no intrest for any intellectual education, she seems to be wery quick at observational learning. Her knowlege of alien tecnologies seems to be genetic. Subjects blood shows some properties as an mild acid, but when mixed with other acids, specially hydro sulphuric acids, it nullifies them. Blood is also the color of dull green. he teeth, while the jaw mandibles are closed While the resemblance to her human mother is obvious the xeno factors are also visible. Hair is naturally bundled up to form dreadlocks. While the mandibles are closed, it looks like she has a scar on her lower jaw. othervice the mandibles are indistinguishable. Skin is durable and drf. Some parts of the body is covered with chitinous armour and the spine is reinforced but flexible. Normal, human female genitalia. In tests the subject aproaches problems by observing and then solving it by relying on her own means, rather than the offered solutions. In her animalistic aproach she can be quite ingenius. Subject is capable of speech but would rather communicate by growls and deep rattles. In battle the subject uses admirable tacticks and superior speed to overcome the enemy. When cornered or badly hurt the subject enters a berserker rage and has to be sedated. Soles of the foot are very durable and exeptionally good for climbing. Height: 180cm (5.9') Weight: 89 kg (196 lbs) Stength is much better than average, but not superhuman. When enraged, the mandibles open up and reveal the teeth and mouth. Bite is quite admirable and worht of caution. Exeptionally srong legs and Superhuman speed.
лень переводить,Yautja,Predator, Яутжа, Хищник,сисечки,18+,эротика, fap time,песочница,VernieTiger,AvP Ero,AVP,Вселенная Чужих и Хищников, Aliens vs. Predator, Чужой против Хищника
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Normal human female genitalia... lol кажется... IT's trap!
muirdok muirdok 04.02.201311:36 ответить ссылка 0.0
female - женские, то есть сисечки и вагина.
сисечки и вагина? значит норм тян
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