Джипер vs байкеров / погоня :: джип :: байкеры :: video

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Джипер vs байкеров

Водитель Range Rover против группы мотоциклистов в Нью-Йорке Range Rover vs bikers in New York,News,,Как показывает практика, неадекватных личностей хватает везде. Группа мотоциклистов каталась по улицам Нью-Йорка в рамках ежегодного мероприятия «Street Ride». Сложно сказать, из-за чего возник конфликт с водителем черного Range Rover, но тот готов был пойти на все, чтобы скрыться от группы байкеров. Он откровенно переехал несколько мотоциклов, когда его пытались блокировать (на видео 0:50). Затем водитель внедорожника снова переехал мотоциклиста (5:00). В конце концов, его догнали и, судя по всему, неслабо накрепили шлемом. As practice shows, inadequate personalities missing everywhere. The group of motorcyclists rode through the streets of New York as part of the annual event «Street Ride». It is difficult to say, because of which there is a conflict with the driver a black Range Rover, but he was willing to go to great lengths to hide from a group of bikers. He frankly moved several motorcycles when he tried to block (at 0:50). Then the driver of the SUV again moved the rider (5:00). In the end, he was caught and, apparently, not weak nakrepili helmet. Джип, байкеры, погоня, США, Jeep, bikers, chase, USA
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Комментарии 7 01.10.201315:24 ссылка -1.0
6 минут жизни не вернуть
Надеюсь, что кто-то читает комменты, а потом смотрит видео.
Иначе многие люди действительно просрут бесцельно 6 минут)
DARio DARio 01.10.201316:03 ответить ссылка 0.5
ну что за херня, я то думал, мужик на джипе задавит всех нахрен, ну хотя бы половину, он же блять на джипе
masdie masdie 01.10.201316:18 ответить ссылка -0.2
было, пруфы сам найдешь
пффф. когда первый раз выкладывали говорили один погиб. а теперь только ногу сломали. будь у меня жена, дочка и такой джип- сшибал бы этих упырей только так.
REALIST REALIST 01.10.201319:11 ответить ссылка -0.1
Video has emerged showing the shocking moment a Range Rover driver apparently drove through a crowd of motorbikes as it fled with its family inside for fear of being attacked.

According to police, the bikers started to damage the vehicle after the driver accidentally hit a motorcyclist.

Fearing for the safety of his wife and young child, aged under five, the SUV driver then sped off, hitting several bikers in its path.

The six-minute film shows the SUV hit another motorcyclist after it was chased by the pack of bikers.

The family are eventually brought to a standstill in Manhattan traffic and immediately bikers run to attack the vehicle, smashing the driver's window and attempting to smash the rear door window.

A child under the age of five was in the back and the driver's spouse was in the front passenger seat.

An NYPD spokesman told the Mail Online the SUV driver, a man in his 30s, was taken to hospital and treated for lacerations to his face and body.

He said there were no other injuries reported from the incident.

No one has been arrested and police are still investigating and examining the evidence, he said.

The spokesman said, according to the driver, a large number of motorcyclists were driving 'erratically' and he 'accidentally collided with one'.

The footage shows one motorcyclist brake hard in front the the car and seems to get bumped by it.

He pulled over but some of the bikers started to damage the vehicle. The NYPD spokesman told the Mail Online the driver drove off 'to avoid an impending assault'.
The video shows the Range Rover accelerate suddenly knocking over bikes and motorcyclists, driving over the top of them.

The footage was captured on a helmet camera of a motorcyclist during an annual bikers' event in New York City, at around 2pm yesterday.

The driver speeds away, but immediately the angry bikers follow it and it takes a matter of seconds for them to catch up.

The footage shows them following the vehicle for several minutes, at times getting close and intimidating the driver.

The group of bikers take Exit 14, on route 95, following signs for the Cross Bronx Expressway and passing the sign for Henry Hudson Parkway, before they traffic begins to slow.

The bikers again surround the vehicle, blocking its path and it's forced to stop.

Seizing an opportunity to confront the driver, one biker dismounts and tries to open the door, but the SUV speeds off again, knocking down at least one more motorcyclist.

The driver heads off on route 95 heading north towards the Cross Bronx Expressway, then taking the W 176 SI which leads into a built-up area with heavy traffic.

Forced to stop at traffic lights, the Range Rover comes to a standstill, and within seconds two bikers are off their vehicles and attacking the driver's side windows.

The first takes off his helmet and throws it against the driver's door window, smashing it;

the second tries to punch through the rear door window, where the child was sat.
The footage then stops.

The video was posted by a biker, under the name GIXXARDR on Liveleaks, from Melbourne, Australia, this morning. He claims one biker was killed, which the police said was not true.

Already it has received numerous comments, most are in support of the Range Rover driver

One person, whose profile name is Sgt Pepper, says: 'I would do exactly the same thing. They're intimidating him and he's probably fearing for his life.'

Another, known as 'zacarra' says the driver acted in 'self defense'.

'Did you see the biker break (sic) check him in the beginning. This poor guy was running for his life from the start,' zacarra writes.

According to 'meathead12' it was 'justifiable': 'Only a fool would stick around to be pulled out of his car and lynched by 100 bikers.'

'charlesferg' says the NYC has now banned the riders' annual event

что и требовалось доказать.
REALIST REALIST 01.10.201319:17 ответить ссылка -0.1
А все по томучто в NYC запрешено владение оружием и его ношением в любом другом штате открыли бы пальбу с обоих сторон.
I677000 I677000 02.10.201303:19 ответить ссылка 0.0
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