THR£ÊWOfcDPHfLASE . СоЛЛ / он наблюдает за тобой :: нло

нло он наблюдает за тобой песочница 
THR£ÊWOfcDPHfLASE . СоЛЛ,нло,он наблюдает за тобой,песочница
нло,он наблюдает за тобой,песочница
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Комментарии 3 08.10.201323:30 ссылка -2.7
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I've disconnected my home alarm system and de-registered from the Neighbourhood Watch.
I've got two Pakistani flags raised in the front yard, one at each corner, and the black flag of ISIS in the centre.
The RCMP, CSIS, the FBI, CIA, MI5, MI6, NSA, and other agencies are all watching the house 24

ИГИЛ безопасность правительство наблюдает за тобой текст на картинке

I've disconnected my home alarm system and de-registered from the Neighbourhood Watch. I've got two Pakistani flags raised in the front yard, one at each corner, and the black flag of ISIS in the centre. The RCMP, CSIS, the FBI, CIA, MI5, MI6, NSA, and other agencies are all watching the house 24