Британская газета "The Independent" за декабрь 1993 года: / газета :: бен Ладен (Осама бин Ладен)

бен Ладен газета 
Британская газета "The Independent" за декабрь 1993 года:
"Антисоветский воин поставил свою армию на дорогу к миру."
The Saudi businessman who recruited mujahedin now!
Anti-Soviet warrior
army on the road to peace
«	 ^	projects	in	Sudan.	Robert	Fisk	met	him	in	Mmaug
pllts his	-----------
OS AMA fro Ud«n mi 10 Ы» cold-ûieeed гоЫ fiutded by the loyil ЛпЬ
The Saudi businessman who recruited mujahedin now! 1UJW Anti-Soviet warrior uses lhcmfor PE.NDb.NT MONDAY * army on the road to peace Э5ЛМЛ Bid « ^ projects in Sudan. Robert Fisk met him in Mmaug pllts his ----------- OS AMA fro Ud«n mi 10 Ы» cold-ûieeed гоЫ fiutded by the loyil ЛпЬ mu*b«din who fought »Ion«- »id« hua 10 AijKinuun Вед-j,* t*CJIU/B A««»« - uo«ri7i«vj. but errer more itun » few ytriU from the nuo ,bo rccnuud ■ trwaed them «ad then dii Леа to dcMroy the Sonet army J ' watched ununihng u the Su-^nUa^Atau^'^^ ‘•^»-Mwnd.ngAt.bf.ghtm lu «he who м «bout u eoœpfe,« the h,gh-»■У Itokiag their home, to Khar-сова их the fine time in hittorv With hu high t boekbonn, rutr -row we and loof brown robe. «Mr Bio Lad« looks стегу inch the Mr every inch the warrior of mujahedin leg-red Cbadorod child/« danced m toot Ы him. prtscbm ackoowl-edged ba wisdom. ~Wc bare be« waiting lor cba road through all the revolutions ш Sudja." a ibcikb Mid. “We waited until we bad given up oo everybody — and rhea Ошм Bso Lad« саше along." Oumdc Sadao. Mr Bin Lad« » •of regarded with quite such high cacaos The Egyptian prw claims be brought hundreds of former Arab fighter* bach to Sudan from A/fbamtun, while the Western cm-baaay circuit in КНлпоит has suggested that some of the “Afghan Г whom this Saudi entrepreneur flew to Sudan arc now busy framing for further ;ikaJ wan ш Algeria, Tuni-fu and Egypt Mr Bin Laden is wefl aware of this “The rubbish of the media and rbe embassies** be caiJs | it "I id a construction engineer and an agriculturalist. If 1 bad I training camps here inSu^. 1 1 Mr Bin Udea bM broagbTtih7w£ COpatnKtion equipment that he used only fire years ago to build the guerrilla trails of Afghanistan >*40 He it a shy man. Maintaining a building (be Poet home in Khartoum and only a Bin Laden Waste small apartment in hu home atv of into the Zari mow Jeddah, he is maxned - with four wires — but wary of the prc*s. His interview with the lrMp**d*ni was the fin: he baa ever grirn to a Western journalist, and be initially refused to talk about Afghanistan, sitting silently 00 a chair at the back of a makeshift tent, brushing hu teeth in the Arab fashion with a stick of wttul wood But n’. eventually did abou t a w Algerian*. ‘ Tunisians -П Ш10 Afghani»!an, “no« bundreds but thousands,“ he aaid. He sup Ported them with weapon* and hu own construction equipment Along with ht* Iraqi engineer, Mohamed Saad — who is now .. . Sudan road - Mr -----------Watted maun с tunoela into the Zazi mountain* of Bakhrtxr Province for guerrilla hospitals and arm* dumps, then cut a mujahedin tml across the country to within 15 miles of Kabul “Ко, I was never afraid of death. As «Muslims, we believe that when we die, we go to heaven Before a battle, God sends os мрты, tranquillity “Once I waa only 30 metres from the Russians and they were txyrag ‘What I lived in two years in Afghanistan, I could not have lived in a hundred years elsewhere,’ said Osama Bin Laden to Win for the Afghan muja- “What 1 lived in two yean there, I could not lure tired in a hundred yean elsewhere." he Mid. When the history of the Afghan resistance moremeat is wnifen, Mr Bio Laden’s own contribution to (he mujahedin — Mad the indirect resuJt of bn tniaiag and assistance — may turn out to be a turning-point in the recent history of militant fundamentalism; even if, to-be trie* to minimise his rote couldn't possibly do this yob f “this >06" is о "When the invasion of Afghanistan And "this job" is certainly an ambitious one: « brand-new highway Hrctching ill the way from Khartoum CO Fort Sudan, a durance of UONub (745 miles > on the old road, now shortened to 800km by the new Bin Lad« route that will turn the I run from the capiral into a started, I was «raged and went there at once — I arrived within days, before the end of 1979," he said “Yes, I fougfar there, but my fellow Muslims did much more than I. Many of them died and I am it it I alive." Within months, however, Mr Bin evicmiu turned Ц, to I re- а^»ьЙЙН* nycoenfo 1 ‘■>0* of .frcr lh« *Г- ОЛи •-» WUo Ho. ■—¡ввягйяв Воюй. Ьс the “Bui the Mtiutioa there does oot unities as «0 capture me 1 hu under__________ bardmcot but 1 was so peaceful hi my heart that 1 fell asleep This ex- penencc has be« write« about in our earliest books. I saw a 120mm mortar shell land in front of me, but 1« did not Wow up Four more bombs were dropped from a Russian plane on our headquarters but they did not explode We beat the Soviet Union. 71jc Russians fled." But what of the Arab mujahedin whom he took to Afghanistan — | members of a guerrilla army who were alto encouraged and armed by the United States — and who were forgotten when that war was over? *Personally neither 1 nor my brother* saw ev idence of American help When ray mujahedin were victorious and the Russians were driven out, difference* started (betwe« prondc the шве opponu Afghanistan A small number mujahedin hare gone to fight ю I Bosnia-Herzegovina but the Croat* won t allow the mujahedin in through Croatia as the Pakistanis did with Afghanistan " Thus did Mr Bin Laden reflect ироо^Ы while hu iormer fellow combatin'I looked on. Was и not a little bit anti-climactic foe them, I asked, to fight t he Russians and end up pRBjbOilding in Sudan? They like chi* work and so do 1 This w a mat plan which wc are achieving foe the people here, it helps the Muslima and improves their lives" Hb Bin Lad« company — not ' He confined with the larger con-structioo buiinc** run by his cousins - b paid ia SudjtBtMt currency I which is th« used ID purchase *e*- amc and other product* for export; profits axe clearly not Mr Bra «’s top pnonty. How did he feel about Aigcru, I asked? But a man in a green suit calling himself Mohamcd Moussa — he claimed to be Nigerian although he was a Sudanese security officer — upped me on the arm. “You hate asked more than enough questions," he said. At which Mr Bin l~*dcn went off to inspect his new road Ounu Bin Laden survey* the 800km toad he is buildin* in northern Sudan Daily service to the USA THE WEEK AHEAD CPt A lesson 1 the langu
бен Ладен,Осама бин Ладен,газета
пацан к успеху шел
это не он
Это не в том ли Судане, от которого два года назад из-за нефти и продолжительной гражданской войны Южный Судан отпочковался?
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Elliot Hackney 0 @ElliotHackney • 24 hkdh.
Tremendous effort from whoever actually paid English pounds just to have Bln Laden sit In the Leeds crowd.
Q 709	O, 12,3 Tbic.	Q? 71,9 Tbic.

бен Ладен,Осама бин Ладен футбол фанаты твиттер интернет

Elliot Hackney 0 @ElliotHackney • 24 hkdh. Tremendous effort from whoever actually paid English pounds just to have Bln Laden sit In the Leeds crowd. Q 709 O, 12,3 Tbic. Q? 71,9 Tbic.