Каталог одежды Ку–Клукс–Клана, 1925 год.
Hydra Baldric NljJt of «tio, trimmed with «tin band, and lar,cc »ilk t Jive I. Price, each . . . . Silk cord . $20.00 For Member» of K-IX»! M jdc of «tin and lined with «tin. Embroidered in »ilk, and trimmed in jcold metal fringe. Priee, each................................$1.50 Made of «tin trimmed with military beaij and embroidered in tilk. Silk cord and ta»Kl>. Price, each $40 00 Band Man Made of uiin. trimmed in tilk voutache braid and embroidered in tilk. Silk cord and tanel*. Price, CJCh $2$.00 Made of tateen, embroidered in »ilk. Silk COrJ and tawelt. Price, each........................ . • $10.00 Thi» robe alio furnithed in »atin at ... . S20.0C (Specify material dewrcd with order) Imperial Representative 'OCGkfZ TEAM; Made of «tin, trimmed with military braid and embroidered in »ilk. Silk cord and raitelt. Price,each $55.00 Special Exalted Cyclops
ККК,Ку-клукс-клан, Ku Klux Klan, ККК,Ку-Клукс-Клан,песочница
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